Pope Francis to visit the World Council of Churches 21 June, 2018
Ecumenical Pilgrimage Walking, Praying and Working Together
Thursday, June 21 07:30 am Press Centre Geneva opens for accredited media [08:30 Pope Francis departs by plane from Roma/Fiumicino for Geneva 10:10 Arrival at Geneva Airport and WELCOME CEREMONY 10:30 PRIVATE MEETING WITH THE PRESIDENT OF THE SWISS CONFEDERATION in a hall at the airport 11:15 ECUMENICAL PRAYER at the WCC Ecumenical Centre Homily of the Holy Father Livestream available in Press Centre Geneva and URL, Video and audio pool drop and on demand available on request (see contact details below). Physical access to Ecumenical Centre is limited to pre-cleared journalists only due to security.
12:45 Private lunch with the leadership of WCC at the Ecumenical Institute of Bossey. 14:00-14:45 PRESS CONFERENCE at the Ecumenical Institute of Bossey Participants: Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit, general secretary of the World Council of Churches Cardinal Kurt Koch, President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity Moderator: Ms Marianne Ejdersten, WCC Director of Communication 15:45-16:40 ECUMENICAL MEETING at the WCC Ecumenical Centre Addresses by the Holy Father, Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit, WCC General Secretary and Dr Agnes Abuom , Moderator of the WCC Central Committee Livestream available in Press Centre Geneva and URL?. Video and audio pool drop and on demand available on request (see contact details below). Physical access to meeting site is limited to pre-cleared journalists only due to security. 16:40 BUS TRANSPORTION FOR ACCREDITED MEDIA TO PALEXPO FOR HOLY MASS 17:30 HOLY MASS in the Palexpo Homily of the Holy Father 19:15 Farewell from the Bishops and Pontifical Representatives in Switzerland 19:30 BUS TRANSPORTION AVAILABLE FOR ACCREDITED MEDIA TO PRESS CENTRE ROME 19:45 OFFICIAL FAREWELL at Geneva International Airport Photos and media coverage to be supplied by the Holy See Media Office [true? how and when???] 20:00 Departure by plane for Roma/Ciampino Airport 21:40 Arrival at Roma/Ciampino Airport
Paul VI 10 June 1969
The visit of Pope Paul VI to the headquarters of the World Council of Churches (WCC) took place on 10 June 1969. In this photo, from left to right: Metropolitan Meliton, vice-moderator of the WCC Central Committee; Mr. M. M. Thomas, moderator of the WCC Central Committee; Rev. Dr Eugene Carson Blake (back to camera) and Pope Paul VI. © WCC
The WCC general secretary, Rev The WCC general secretary, Rev. Dr Eugene Carson Blake, told the Pontiff in an address of welcome that his presence signified “the growth of the ecumenical movement” toward unity and renewal of Christ’s Church. © WCC
Welcoming Pope VI to the headquarters of the WCC, on 10 June 1969 (from left to right): Nikos Nissiotis, director of the Ecumenical Institute Bossey; Rev. Philip Potter, director of the Commission on World Mission and Evangelism; M. M. Thomas, moderator of the WCC Central Committee; Pope Paul VI; Rev. Dr Eugene Carson Blake, WCC general secretary; Dr Pauline Webb, vice-moderator of the WCC Central Committee. © WCC
“By your coming to the headquarters of the WCC you remind the whole world of the rapidly developing efforts of the Roman Catholic Church and the World Council of Churches in the interest of justice and peace”, commented Blake. In this photo, from left to right: Jan Cardinal Willebrands, President of the Vatican Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity; Pope Paul VI; Don Macchi, personal secretary of the Pontiff; and Rev. Dr Eugene Carson Blake. © WCC
John paul ii 12 June 1984
In this photo (from right to left): Dr Sylvia Talbot, vice-moderator of the WCC Central Committee; Rev. Dr Hans Joachim Held, moderator of the WCC Central Committee; Rev. Philip Potter, WCC general secretary; Pope John Paul II; Dr. Marga Bührig, WCC President for Europe; Metropolitan Emilianos Timiadis, member of the WCC Central Committee. © WCC
Willem A Visser 't Hooft, first general secretary of the World Council of Churches, greets Pope John Paul II during the historical visit to the WCC headquarters, in Geneva, on 12 June 1984. © Arturo Mari/L’Osservatore Romano
Rev. Heinz Joachim Held, moderator of the WCC Central Committee; Dr Sylvia Talbot (back to camera), vice-moderator of the WCC Central Committee, welcome Pope John Paul II to the WCC headquarters in Geneva. © WCC
From left to right: Rev. Philip Potter, WCC general secretary; Bishop Pierre Mamie; Pope John Paul II. © WCC
An exchange of gifts during the papal visit An exchange of gifts during the papal visit. The WCC presented Number 1 of a limited edition Atmos table clock, a replica of one invented by J.-L. Reutter of Geneva in 1930. The mouth-blown glass cover is engraved with the symbol of the ecumenical movement and the brass base quotes John 17:21 – “that they may be one” – in the original Greek of the New Testament. The Pope presented a facsimile of a part of the 4th-century Codex Vaticanus, one of the earliest manuscripts of the New Testament, which is in the Vatican library. © Peter Williams/WCC
Private discussions with WCC and other church representatives were held at the main hall of the headquarters of the WCC. © Arturo Mari/L’Osservatore Romano
The visit included an ecumenical worship service (with addresses by Pope John Paul II and the WCC general secretary Rev. Philip Potter), an hour of private discussions with WCC and other church representatives, and a joint statement by the World Council of Churches and the Roman Catholic Church. In this photo (from left to right): Metropolitan Emilianos Timiadis, member of the WCC central committee; Dr. Marga Bührig, WCC President for Europe; Pope John Paul II; Rev. Philip Potter, WCC general secretary; Rev. Dr Hans Joachim Held, moderator of the WCC Central Committee; Dr Sylvia Talbot, vice-moderator of the WCC Central Committee. © Arturo Mari/L’Osservatore Romano
The visit included an ecumenical worship service (with addresses by Pope John Paul II and the WCC general secretary Rev. Philip Potter), an hour of private discussions with WCC and other church representatives, and a joint statement by the World Council of Churches and the Roman Catholic Church. In this photo (from right to left): Dr Sylvia Talbot, vice-moderator of the WCC Central Committee; Rev. Dr Hans Joachim Held, moderator of the WCC Central Committee; Rev. Philip Potter, WCC general secretary; Pope John Paul II; Dr. Marga Bührig, WCC President for Europe; Metropolitan Emilianos Timiadis, member of the WCC Central Committee. © WCC