IPA Relevant sections: Sections 199 to 205 Contained in Chapter III of Part IV Relevant Regulation: *IBBI(Insolvency Professional Agencies) Regulations 2016 w.e.f. 21.11.2016 * IBBI(Model Bye-laws and Governing Board(GB) of IPA)Regulations 2016 wef 21/11/2016 Only three IPA formed till 30/5/2016
MODEL :- REGULATED SELF REGULATION INSOLVENCY PROFESSIONAL AGENCY (IPA) Private professional body Acts as specialized Intermediary Registered with IBBI Enrolls professional members Oversees the conduct of their members Ensures Transparency MODEL :- REGULATED SELF REGULATION
REGISTRATION OF IPA S. 201 Rejection process Acceptance Process NCLAT Application in Form A IBBI to acknowledge it within 7 days Rejection process Acceptance Process Hearing opportunity to be given Must be communicated within 15 days from dt of order of rejection NCLAT Certificate to be issued in Form B
GOVERNING BOARD IPA S.2013 Minimum no. of 7 directors No. of IP Professional members Min.- 7 members More than 50% should be RI Not more than ¼ shall be IP Chairman to be ID. More than 50% shall be ID No meeting without at least one ID GOVERNING BOARD IPA S.2013
FUNCTIONS OF IPA Grant membership Lay down standards of professional Monitor performance Safeguard rights of members Suspend or Cancel membership Redress grievances of members Publish information of its members Must follow Model Bye-Laws specified by IBBA
BYE-LAWS OF IPA As per model Bye Laws Bye-Laws to be submitted along with Application Bye-Laws to be hosted on its website Bye-Laws can be amended by three times the votes cast against the resolution. Amended Bye-Laws – file within 7 days with IBBI
IPA Advisory Committee Disciplinary Committee Monitoring Committee Other Committees Membership Committees Grievance Redressal Committee IPA
Disciplinary Committee of IPA [Reg. 24(3) IBBI Disciplinary Committee of IPA [Reg.24(3) IBBI.MODEL BYE LAWS AND GB REG)] DC may pass an order for expulsion of a professional member if it has found that the professional member has committed offence, violation of code, etc. Any monetary fine imposed will go IBF. GB- shall form an Appellate Panel (one ID + One from Law + One nominated by IBBI Member aggrieved may appeal before Appellate Panel within 30 days. Appellate Panel will dispose the same within 30 days.
Temporary Surrender of membership IPA At least 30 days before a) Become NR b) Takes up employment c) Start any business
IPA Sec.8 Companies /Sec.25 of CA 56 Minimum Net worth – 10 crore rupees Paid up Share Capital of Rs. 5 crores Not under control of NR Not a subsidiary of a body corporate through more than one layer Application to IBBI with Rs.10 lakh fee
In-Principle Approval Application with a fee of Rs. 10 lakh Fit & Proper Person Valid for not more than one year IPA In-Principle Approval R. 10
Board can institute Disciplinary proceedings against IPA under Reg 8 of IBBI(IPA) * show cause notice by Board based on inspection/ investigation/ other material on record * Board shall constitute Discipilnary committee for disposal of show cause notice The Disciplinary Committee of Board shall dispose of the show cause notice by reasoned order adhering to the principles of natural justice and shall endeavour to dispose of within six months of the assignment The DC may (1) no action (2) warning (3) impose penalty (4) suspend or cancel registration (5) disgorgement (6) ask the Board totake action for restitution. The above DC order shall be effective not before 30 days ( or lesser days if so specified with reasons) from the date of order. If cancellation or suspension, DC shall alsoallow continuation of pending works, transfer of membership to other IPA. REG 9 of IBBI(IPA) :Appeal to NCLT within 30 days of receipt of order.
IPA; Synopsis Section wise S.199: No person can carry IPA and no person can enrol IP without Registration with Board S.200: Principals governing Registrations of IPA S.201: Such form and manner with such fee as prescribed * Application in Form A to be acknowledged within 7 Days * If satisfied, registration granted in Form B * If not satisfied: Hearing opportunity *Order granting/rejecting to be communicated within 15 days * Certificate of Registration in specified Form B *renewal *Board may suspend, cancel certificate on certain grounds after opportunity of hearing * such order of suspension or cancellation shall be passed only by wholetime members of Board S.202: Appeal to NCLAT S.203: power to Board to make regulation for setting upof GB of IPA S.204: Functions of IPA S.205: Bye-laws of IPA should be consistent with Model Byelaws specified by Board u/s 196(2)
INSOLVENCY Insolvency is a situation where individuals or organizations are unable to meet their financial obligation.
CODE Circulars / Notifications / Others RULES – (as prescribed by RULES) Rules are made by CG Section 3(26) of Code REGULATIONS – (as specified by Regulations) Regulations are made by IBBI Section 3(32) of Code Section 3(28) of Code Circulars / Notifications / Others - Up-till now only 9 notifications have been issued by the Board
SECTION 3 of CODE (General Definitions) 3. In this Code, unless the context otherwise requires, - (1) Definitions (2) ………….. Thus the definitions are not final & conclusive for entire code. The contexts in which these terms are used are also important.
OLD POSITION: Companies: Individuals: Presidency Towns Insolvency Act, 1909 - For Kolkata, Mumbai & Chennai or The Provincial Insolvency Act, 1920 - For Rest of India. Companies: SICA 1985 The Recovery of Debt due to banks and FI Act 1993 SARFAESI Act 2002 Companies Act
1. Existing laws were not aligned with market realties PROBLEM IN EXISTING LAWS 1. Existing laws were not aligned with market realties 2. Existing laws had several problems and were inadequate too. 3. There was no single window resolution available. 4. The resolution & jurisdiction was with multiple openings with overlapping powers that was leading to delays and complexities in the process.
CPC SICA RDDBI SARFAESI CDR/JLF/SDR/S4A Current Remedies Civil Procedure Code 1908 CPC Lenders Interest were not truly covered. Promoters used it as a ploy to delay the payments. No Time Limit in BIFR SICA No time limit – 3/4 Years Poor Infrastructure RDDBI SARFAESI CDR/JLF/SDR/S4A Three Ways 1. Securitization 2. Reconstruction 3. Enforcement of Security Too lenient towards borrowers Too extreme in favor of lenders Also not successful
The Part III of Code which deals with individuals & Partnership firms are not applicable in Jammu & Kashmir.
Code is presently not applicable to Corporate persons who are regulated financial service providers like banks, FIs, Insurance Companies, etc. But code shall apply to NBFCs not accepting deposits. Sec. 3(16)
CODE APPLIES Sec. 2 1.Co. under CA 13 / OLD CA 2. Co. by special Act 3. LLP 4. Partnership Firm 5.Individuals 6. Other body Incorporated under any law as notified by CG
Premise the code 1.Insolvency test moved from ‘erosion of net worth’ to ‘payment default’ 2.Single insolvency and bankruptcy framework. Replaces Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Repeal Act, 2003 and modifies / amends some provisions of other legislations like Companies Act, 2013, SARFAESI Act,2002 etc. 3.Time bound resolution process 4.Clear and unambiguous process to be followed by all stakeholders. Shift of control from shareholders and promoters to creditors 5.Provide confidence to lenders of their rights and their enforcement. 6.Better symmetry of information flow between creditors and debtors 7.Shift of jurisdiction to NCLT and DRT 8.Government dues would rank below to those of secured creditors and unsecured financial creditors 9.In case of fraudulent diversion of assets, personal contribution can be sought; imprisonment possible 10.Insolvency Professional (IP) to take over the management and operations of the borrower during the CIRP Source: http://iiipicai.in
FC OC BOD DRT DRAT IBBI IPA IP IPE IU NCLT NCLAT COC Voting Rights CORPORATES IBBI IPA IP IPE IU NCLT NCLAT NON-CORPORATES DRT DRAT COC Voting Rights In driving seat FC Only those OC with more than 10% of total debts can take part in COC with not voting right. OC Can only take part in COC with no voting right. BOD
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code ecosystem Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) Insolvency Agencies Information Utilities (IUs) NCLT –The Adjudicating Authority (AA) Insolvency Professionals (IPs) Committee of Creditors (CoC) Insolvent entity
OBJECTIVE OF THE CODE: To consolidated and amend laws relating to Reorganization To amend laws relating to insolvency resolution of all persons – corporate or non corporate Time bound manner (strict time frame) Maximize value of assets Promote Entrepreneurship Ensure availability of credit Balancing of interest of all stakeholders Alteration in priority of Govt. Dues by changing waterfall mechanism To establish Insolvency & Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) – which will act with as 1. regulations powers 2. Legislative powers 3. Executive powers 4. Quasi Judicial Powers
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Structure of the Code Distinct Parts to administer various constituents Preliminary and Definitions Part 1 Corporate Debtors Part 2 Individuals and Partnerships Part 3 Board, Professionals, Agencies and Utilities Part 4 Miscellaneous Provisions Part 5 Source: http://iiipicai.in
CODE Five Parts Part I to Part V Sec. 1 to Sec. 244 – Mostly Notified by MCA Sec. 245 to Sec. 255 are regarding amendments to various acts.
INSOLVENCY PROFESSIONAL Part-IV Chapter - 4 INSOLVENCY PROFESSIONAL 3(19) – Definition of Insolvency Professional (IP) – A person enrolled u/s 206 with Insolvency Professional Agency (IPA) and registered with Board u/s 207.
2nd Registered with IBBI (Board) Contd…. Two Level Regulations Both conditions to be satisfied 1st member of IPA 2nd Registered with IBBI (Board)
IP will handle Section 208(1) Fresh Start order Process for Individual C-II P-III IRP for Individuals C-III IRP for Corporate P-II Individual Bankruptcy C-IV Liquidation of Corporate Debtor
Code of Conduct (IP) Section 208(2) To take reasonable care & due diligence while performing his duties To comply with bye laws of IPA To Allow IPA to inspect his records To submit copy of records of every proceedings to adjudicating authority & Board and IPA To perform his function in such manner & condition as may be specified Code of Conduct (IP) Section 208(2)
Corporate Insolvency Also covers personal guarantor Minimum Amount 1 Lac No notice by F/C before filing application before NCLT.
Who can make application? F/C O/C C/D
Moratorium & Public Notice Within 14 days IRP Default Application CIRP Within 14 days Admission or Rejection If admitted Calm Period Moratorium & Public Notice Within 14 days IRP COC RP Approval or rejection by NCLT
Only to financial creditors VOTING RIGHTS in COC Only to financial creditors In proportion to his financial debt vis a vis total financial debt Resolution plan by at least 75% majority Decisions to apply for extension of time – only by 75% majority Actions set out in Sec 28 …only by 75% majority Debts owed by a corporate debtor to a related party do not have representation, participation or voting rights.
INSOLVENCY REOLUTION PROCESS Corporate (including LLP & personal guarantors for corporate loans) Initiation by Financial Creditor Initiation by Operational Creditor Corporate Debtor Individuals & Partnership Firms Initiation by very small Amount Others 180 days from admission + one time of 90 days (if 75% of financials creditors agree.) Fresh Start 180 days Forgiveness No IRP RP majority of Creditors 180 days Negotiation between Dr. & Cr. – RP – Calm Period - Moratorium Failing - Liquidation Failing – Bankruptcy Resolution
IRP (INTERIM RESOLUTION PROFESSIONAL) Issuance of Public Notice of CIRP Collections of claims received Constitution of COC Conduct of 1st Meeting of COC To manage the Operation as a going concern as per section 18 & 20.
As per S.18, the IRP is required inter alia to collect (1) business operation details, financial position and operational payments for last two years and also list of all assets and liabilities as on initiation date.
IP Summary To take immediate control and custody of all the assets including the business records. To represent and act on behalf of the Corporate Debtor with third parties, exercise rights for the benefit of corporate debtors in judicial, quasi judicial or arbitration proceedings. Raise interim finance subject to the approval of COC u/28. Appoint accountants, legal or other professionals in the manner specified by Board. Maintain updated list of claims. Convene & attend all COC meetings Prepare Information Memorandum u/s 29 Invite prospective lenders, investors or any other persons to put forward resolution plans. To file applications for avoidance of transactions in accordance with Chapter III. Such other action as may be specified by Board.
Sec. 3(19) Sec. 206 Definition of IP Enrolled with IPA No person shall render his services as insolvency professional under this CODE without being enrolled with IPA & IBBI.
I II III IV V VI Waterfall Mechanism Failing Resolution in 180 days + 90 days Then Compulsorily heading for liquidation Waterfall Mechanism Cost of insolvency process & liquidations I Wages (24 months) + Secured creditor relinquishing their right. II Employee wage (12 months) III Unsecured Financial Debt Creditors IV Govt. dues + Secured Creditor after enforcement of Security V Any remaining debts and dues VI