Proper Keyboarding Techniques
Proper Keyboarding Technique Eyes on screen or paper Sit up straight Scratch position Elbows by side Head is supported and nearly level on the shoulders, not leaning too far forward or backward Back is upright with the lower back supported by the student’s chair Elbows are comfortably at the student’s side, not reaching too far in front of or pushed too far behind the body. If the elbows are out of place, the wrists are forced into awkward positions to compensate. Wrists are flat. Feet are flat on the floor Fingers are gently curled. This finger position is sometimes described as spider legs, cat paws, or back-scratching fingers. Demonstrate that flat fingers will rest awkwardly across multiple rows on the keyboard instead of a single row. Wrists flat Feet flat
Where should your eyes be? Eyes on monitor or what you are trying to type No more “hunting and pecking!”
Finger Position
Home Row: Starting Position A good example of home row usage to compare it to the students’ daily travel: One begins at home, goes to school, then goes home, or goes to the store and then home. Your fingers travel to their destination and promptly return. “Do you sleep at school or the grocery store?”
Scratch Position Wrists off the keyboard Fingers are gently curled. Spider legs, cat paws, or back-scratching fingers. Demonstrate that flat fingers will rest awkwardly across multiple rows on the keyboard instead of a single row. Wrists off the keyboard
Home Row Have students find ‘F’, identify what makes this key unique (the bump) and place their left pointer finger on the key. Have students locate another key on the keyboard with the same bump (‘J’) and place their right pointer finger on that key. Challenge the students to find the ‘F’ and ‘J’ keys with their eyes closed Demonstrate that with the pointer fingers in place, each of the remaining fingers belong on the keys immediately beside (e.g. on the left hand the middle finger rests on the ‘D’ key, ring finger on ‘S’ and pinky on ‘A’)
Special Keys Right little finger on Enter Thumb used on Space Bar
What Techniques Do You See?
What Techniques Do You See?
What Techniques Do You See?
What Techniques Do You See?
What Techniques Do You See?
What Techniques Do You See?
Home Row Have students find ‘F’, identify what makes this key unique (the bump) and place their left pointer finger on the key. Have students locate another key on the keyboard with the same bump (‘J’) and place their right pointer finger on that key. Challenge the students to find the ‘F’ and ‘J’ keys with their eyes closed Demonstrate that with the pointer fingers in place, each of the remaining fingers belong on the keys immediately beside (e.g. on the left hand the middle finger rests on the ‘D’ key, ring finger on ‘S’ and pinky on ‘A’)