Workshop for Teachers of Spanish as a Heritage Language in Washington Alejandro Lee Central Washington University 21 July 2011
What? Where? When? Workshop for teachers and administrators Yakima Valley Community College Saturday, 14 May 2011 Free clock hours for teachers Free breakfast and lunch
How? 6 months in advance Funding from different sources: Center for Spanish Studies / Embassy of Spain Instituto Cervantes American Assoc. of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP) Washington Assoc. for Language Teaching (WAFLT) U of Washington, Seattle (Division of Span/Port) Central Washington U (Foreign Languages and Center for Latino/Latin American Studies) Consulate of Mexico in Seattle Yakima Valley Community College (host)
Why? Increasing number of K-12 teachers asking for teaching materials, training, etc. at WAFLT conferences and workshops. María Gillman, U Washington, Spanish HL courses /liaison with CSS and Consulate of Mexico Professional development offered by Center for Spanish Studies/AATSP/WAFLT – clock hours Most faculty development opportunities take place in the Westside
Who? Presenters from a variety of teaching institutions, disciplines and experiences K-12 schools Community colleges/universities Teachers and administrators History, Education, Linguistics, Spanish
Some highlights Coffee donated by Starbucks Lunch donated by the Consulate of Mexico Casa Hogar director and women came during lunch time Heritage language student/UW and her family
Evaluations Very positive Participants want more workshops, training, practical ideas (how to organize the class/course, more show, less tell), name tags, more opportunities to interact among participants (Hay una riqueza de experiencia entre nosotros y necesitamos hablar más sobre la práctica no tanto la teoría)
Future plans Teacher training for 8 teachers from Spain (next week): What are HLL and Speaking in Tongues (Film) Washington Assoc for Language Teaching/Pasco, Wash., Oct (3 sessions) Spanish for Heritage Language Learners Working Group (Gillman, González and Lee) WAFLT theme: "Celebrating the Diversity and Heritage of our Learners / Kim Potowski, keynote speaker
WAFLT Spring Regional Conference in Ellensburg More workshops on HLL (Yakima? Seattle?) Why not CWU? Why Yakima Valley Comm. College?
Recommendations Plan B (presenters having to cancel or not answering) Funding Logistics Advertising/Outreach: newspaper, , listserv, flyers, reports for newsletters/newspapers/dean, photographs
Dr. Alejandro García Moreno Mexican Consul, Seattle
Mexican consul with workshop organizers and participants
What worked? Collaboration Visibility for all participants and sponsors New workshop locations throughout the state Free clock hours Support from Consulate of Mexico, Center for Spanish Studies/Embassy of Spain, Instituto Cervantes