BOARD of GOVERNORS State University System of Florida SUS Plans for OER Dr. Nancy McKee, Associate Vice Chancellor for Innovation and Online Education February 8, 2018
SUS 2025 Strategic Plan for Online Education Drafted by Task Force consisting primarily of university presidents and provosts. Students, faculty, distance learning leaders, and the Florida College System were also represented on the Task Force. Adopted by the Board of Governors in November 2015 9 goals, 15 strategies, and 49 tactics address Quality, Access, and Affordability System-wide Implementation Committee created, with guidance provided by a Steering Committee comprised of 6 provosts and a representative from the Board Office
Implementation of the Strategic Plan for Online Education SUS workgroups and sub-workgroups have been created to address the 49 tactics. Almost all of them also include participants from the Florida College System. Board staff acts as a System project manager, in collaboration with the chairs of the Implementation Committee and workgroups. Each workgroup and sub-group has a charge, and due dates for their deliverables. The chairs present their proposals to the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee keeps the other provosts informed via their Council of Academic Vice Presidents (CAVP). Upon approval of the Committee, the proposals are presented to the Board of Governors.
Reducing the Cost of Educational Materials for Students Affordability Goal 2: The State University System will reduce the costs of educational materials for students. Strategy 2.1: Develop a statewide model for the use of eTextbooks and open educational resources to reduce costs for students in Florida Tactic 2.1.1: Determine and promote methods to increase the use of open-access textbooks and educational resources to reduce costs to students Tactic 2.1.2: Reduce the costs of eTextbooks for students through mechanisms that could include negotiating lower pricing with vendors and providing an enhanced repository for educational materials.
Implementation of 2025 Strategic Plan for Online Education The Online Programs Workgroup created a sub-workgroup to focus on OER tactics. Eight universities and the Florida Virtual Campus are represented on the OER-eTexts Workgroup. The Workgroup will be expanding to include representatives from the Florida College System. Initial phase chaired by Jennifer Smith, UF. With USF now having the lead for the SUS, the Workgroup is co-chaired by Jennifer and two USF staff: Monica Metz-Wiseman and Dennis Walpole.
Determining existing repositories and catalog tools OER/eTexts Workgroup This group has been in a fact-finding mode, including reviewing initiatives such as: FSU – Alternative Textbook Grants FIU – OpenStax Partnership; Affordability Counts Program USF – Internet 2/EDUCAUSE eText Pilot UF – All-Access Other states – Georgia, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York Determining existing repositories and catalog tools The Steering Committee will be updated in June. We are exploring the possibility of a workshop in September for the Board’s Innovation and Online Committee.
OER/eTexts: SUS Legislative Budget Request Board of Governors approved an LBR on August 31, 2017, for $2.1 million for innovative and online initiatives in 2018-19. Of the $2.1 million, $656,160 is for OER/eText initiatives. The catalog tool will aggregate lower-cost eTexts and no-cost OER, enabling faculty to identify and select the most appropriate course materials at the lowest price. Through partnership with a vendor or consortium, volume pricing will be negotiated with publishers for eTexts and homework systems to be made available across the system. Requested funding will support the review process to identify and evaluate materials within the OER repository for inclusion in the catalog tool. Requested funding may also be used for documentation, training of faculty, incentive funding for faculty to adopt and vet OER, and support of efforts at institutions. No traction from the Legislature on LBR yet. Approach is being reevaluated.
Shared Master Courses Affordability Goal 1: The SUS will enhance shared services to support online program development and delivery costs. Strategy 1.2: Develop a common toolset for online course design and delivery to minimize the cost of online education without reducing quality of the instructional experience Tactic 1.2.2: Develop or co-develop shared master courses that would be available, but not required, for use in specific high-demand areas.
STEM Labs for Online Students SUS Task Force on STEM Labs for Online Students Recommendations approved by the Board of Governors: Convene faculty who teach online (including those who teach STEM labs) for a 2-day conference this fall. Launch a system-wide 3-year pilot for a Chemistry lab. At the end of pilot, faculty at other universities will be able to use the lab, adjusting it to fit their own needs.
Professional Development Goal 1: The SUS will create a culture of quality for online education. Strategy 1.2: Expand support for professional development. Tactic 1.2.1: Create a prof. dev. network for IDs. Tactic 1.2.2: Enhance prof. dev. opportunities offered by FLVC for institutional leaders. Tactic 1.2.3: Provide an online toolkit and annual workshop for professional development staff. (TOPkit – Teaching Online Preparation Toolkit)
Research Quality Goal 2: The SUS will provide a foundation for quality online education. Strategy 2.1: Conduct and share research about online education to improve quality. Tactic 2.1.1: Create a statewide online education research consortium with members from Florida institutions interested in sharing and presenting research, determining research needs in online education, and identifying collaborative research projects. Tactic 2.1.2: Develop a process to share research-based best practices that are occurring across the different institutions.
BOARD of GOVERNORS State University System of Florida Rev. 2014