2/9 & 2/10 - 7th Grade Agenda Collect: HW: Reading & Notetaking p. 119 – 122 Science Fair Data Table & Graph presentations Video: PBS Evolution – Great transformation HW: Homologous Structures Reminder: Science Fair Project Due 2/22 & 2/23 (50 Points)
Reflection Prompt: Do you believe in evolution? Why or why not?
Did humans evolve from chimpanzees? NO Humans did not evolve from chimpanzees. Humans and chimpanzees are evolutionary cousins and share a recent common ancestor that was neither chimpanzee nor human. Humans are not "higher" or "more evolved" than other living lineages.
Comparison of Bonobos and Chimpanzees
Flores man was 3 feet tall Lived in an Island in Indonesia 10,000 years ago Lived with Dwarf Elephants
Gigantopithecus was 10 feet tall Lived in SouthEast Asia 100,000 years ago. Walked on all fours but can stand upright
Can evolution be described as a tree or a ladder?
Fossils in which minerals replace all or part of an organism is called… Petrified Fossils
Most Common Fossils are Molds and Casts. What are they? Mold: Hollow in shape and are formed when an organism buried in sediment dissolves Cast: Copy of an organism’s shape formed when minerals seep into a mold Dinosaur Foot Print
What is a carbon film fossil? Carbon film is an extremely thin coating of carbon on rock.
What are Trace Fossils? Trace Fossils provide evidence of the activities of ancient organisms. Such as Dinosaur foot prints Megalosaurus footprint A meat eating predator from the Jurassic
What are some of the ways that extinct animals can be preserved with little or no change? Amber Freezing
The preserve remains or traces of an organism that lived in the past is called… Fossil Most fossils form when organism that die become buried in sediments Remains of most animals never becomes fossil
How do fossils form?
Gradualism vs Punctuated Equilibria Gradualism: The theory that evolution occurs slowly by steadily Punctuated Equilibria:Evolution occurs during short periods of rapid change separated by long periods of little or no change
What are homologous structures? Similar structures that related species have inherited from a common ancestor
Similarities in Early Development
Human Embryos have tails and gill slits
Reflection Prompt: Write 5 interesting facts that you learned during the Science Fair Data Table, Graph and Procedure presentations.
Evolution Simulation http://www.truthtree.com/evolve.shtml
Evolution Video Isn’t Evolution Just a Theory? Who was Charles Darwin? How Do We Know Evolution Happens?