FIGURE 5.22 Natural seeding by cirrus clouds may form bands of precipitation downwind of a mountain chain. Fig. 5-22, p.127
FIGURE 5.23 The streaks of falling precipitation that evaporate before reaching the ground are called virga. Fig. 5-23, p.128
* * * Below freezing all the way down 3000 2000 Height above the ground (m) * 1000 -20 -15 -10 -5 5 10 15 Temperature (°C)
* Below freezing above Above freezing below to sfc. 3000 2000 Height above the ground (m) Above freezing below to sfc. 1000 -20 -15 -10 -5 5 10 15 Temperature (°C)
* Below freezing above Above freezing layer in between 3000 2000 Above freezing layer in between Height above the ground (m) 1000 Thick subfreezing layer near-sfc. sleet -20 -15 -10 -5 5 10 15 Temperature (°C)
* Below freezing above Above freezing layer in between freezing rain 3000 2000 Above freezing layer in between Height above the ground (m) 1000 freezing rain Below freezing in shallow layer or at the surface -20 -15 -10 -5 5 10 15 Temperature (°C)
FIGURE 5.31Hailstones begin as embryos (usually ice particles) that remain suspended in the cloud by violent updrafts. When the updrafts are tilted, the ice particles are swept horizontally through the cloud, producing the optimal trajectory for hailstone growth. Along their path, the ice particles collide with supercooled liquid droplets, which freeze on contact. The ice particles eventually grow large enough and heavy enough to fall toward the ground as hailstones. Fig. 5-31, p.133
FIGURE 5.32 Components of the standard rain gauge. Fig. 5-32, p.134
FIGURE 5. 33 The tipping bucket rain gauge FIGURE 5.33 The tipping bucket rain gauge. Each time the bucket fills with one-hundredth of an inch of rain, it tips, sending an electric signal to the remote recorder. Fig. 5-33, p.135
How RADAR works
How RADAR works Transmitter sends out microwave pulse
How RADAR works Part of pulse reflected back RADAR Reflectivity
RADAR Estimated Rainfall Total FIGURE 5.34 (b) Doppler radar display showing1-hour rainfall amounts over Oklahoma for April 24, 1999. Fig. 5-34b, p.136 RADAR Velocity
COLD WARM Density Density
COLD WARM Shrinks down Expands up
COLD WARM Less weight More weight
LOW HIGH COLD WARM Pressure is 100 mb 350 mb 100 mb 500 mb 350 mb
FIGURE 6. 4 The mercury barometer FIGURE 6.4 The mercury barometer. The height of the mercury column is a measure of atmospheric pressure. Fig. 6-4, p.146
FIGURE 6.5 The aneroid barometer. Fig. 6-5, p.146