The Act Before Everyone Dies Act four The Act Before Everyone Dies
Antony, Octavius, and Lepidus are the new and improved…Second Triumvirate! Real catchy name. What are they discussing at the beginning of Act 4?
ACT FOUR: The Avengers They should’ve called themselves that. The Second Triumvirate is difficult for me to say. Antony, Octavius (Caesar’s adopted son), and Lepidus (the Loser) all gather to discuss how they are going to kill off 100 senators. What a nice, round number. Or was it 70? Counting murder can be so difficult.
ACT FOUR: The Avengers Octavius wants Lepidus to agree to killing off his brother. No big deal. Family dinner’s won’t be awkward at all… Lepidus agrees, but on the condition that Publius, Antony’s sister’s son (the word ‘nephew’ wasn’t invented yet) would also be added to the To Be Murdered list.
[Exit LEPIDUS] Now that he’s out of the room, it’s time for Antony to share his true feelings about Lepidus with Octavius. What are they? Use an example from the text to support your answer.
ACT FOUR: Antony’s Kind of a Donkey Antony has some unkind things to say about Lepidus once he leaves the room. He’s weak, smells bad, etc., etc. Okay, maybe not that last part. Octavius: “[Lepidus] is a tried and valiant soldier.” Antony: “So is my horse, Octavius, and for that / I do appoint him store of provender.” = give him a supply of food.
ACT FOUR: Antony’s Kind of a Donkey Antony calls Lepidus an ass (donkey) and a horse and says that Lepidus has no ideas of his own. “He must be taught, and trained, and bid go forth…” “Do not talk of him / But as a property.” = Lepidus is just a tool or object, not a person. Current opinions on Antony?
Who is Pindarus and how does he feel about Cassius?
ACT FOUR: Hi Pindarus. Pindarus is Cassius’s servant. He thinks Cassius is noble and will have a clear explanation for Brutus. Lucilius, Brutus’s servant, thinks that Cassius was polite enough, but not as friendly as he usually is. It’s like this:
How do we know that Cassius and Brutus’ friendship/bromance is in trouble? Why does Brutus suggest they speak where no one else can hear them?
ACT FOUR: You’re Breaking Up With Me?! Lucilius has already warned us that something isn’t quite right. And Brutus notes that Cassius is like “A hot friend cooling.” Wait…what? He gives some good advice to Lucilius, but it is sort of sad: “Ever note, Lucilius, / When love begins to sicken and decay / It useth enforced ceremony.” = When friendships fall apart/someone wants to break up with you, they force themselves to be formal, not friendly. And then we get Cassius’s first words to Brutus: “Most noble brother, you have done me wrong.” Brutus is shocked. So rude. Cassius wants to keep going, but Brutus is like, “Not in front of the kids! I mean…troops.”
Brutus and Cassius are very upset with each other for a number of reasons. Time to break it down. What is Cassius upset with Brutus in lines 1-5?
ACT FOUR: Taking Bribes?! Before Scene iii, Cassius tells Brutus: “you have wronged me” (IV.ii.37) which is only the tip of the drama-filled iceberg. In Act IV, Scene iii, lines 1-5, Cassius had asked Brutus to pardon Lucius Pella for taking bribes, but Brutus hadn’t listened to him and instead condemned Lucius Pella in public.
Brutus and Cassius are very upset with each other for a number of reasons. Time to break it down. What does Brutus accuse Cassius of in lines 9-12? What does he mean by “itching palm”?
ACT FOUR: Cassius has an itchy palm. What a weird expression. “Itching palm” = taking bribes So Cassius has been super greedy and taking bribes and disappointing his bff, Brutus. Brutus is AN HONORABLE MAN, so this is probably not the right thing to do if you want to stay his bff. Brutus brings up the Ides of March as a reminder: they took down Caesar because he was corrupt, and now Brutus hears that Cassius is corrupt too?! Noooo…!!! Anyway, Brutus and Cassius continue to fight back and forth.
Brutus and Cassius are very upset with each other for a number of reasons. Time to break it down. Why is Brutus so indignant at Cassius’ actions? Why does he bring up the Ides of March again? (18-28)
ACT FOUR: The Ides of Maybe We Shouldn’t Have Done That. Brutus brings up the Ides of March as a reminder: they took down Caesar because he was corrupt, and now Brutus hears that Cassius is corrupt too?! Noooo…!!! Corruption is not okay to Brutus. Who is HONORABLE. Anyway, Brutus and Cassius continue to fight back and forth.
Let’s skip ahead a little. Brutus is ready to bring up the past Let’s skip ahead a little. Brutus is ready to bring up the past. What is he upset about now in lines 65-83? And what excuse does Cassius have in response?
ACT FOUR: Blame it on the Messenger. Brutus was really in that, “Remember that one thing you did a long time ago that hurt my feelings? Well, I’m bringing it up now for NO REASON” mode. The fighting nears an end when Brutus brings up the issue of Cassius not supporting him financially with a request to support his legions. Cassius blames it on the messenger, saying, “He was but a fool / That brought my answer back.” (Anyway, it’s a good thing Brutus suggested they fight somewhere else. It would be really bad for moral if they fought in front of the troops.)
Cassius decides to bring on the Real Drama Cassius decides to bring on the Real Drama. What is he saying in lines 92-106? Do you think he means it?
ACT FOUR: Drama, drama… “Revenge yourselves alone on Cassius” (93). “There is my dagger…I, that denied thee gold, will give my heart. / Strike as thou didst at Caesar” (99-104). Cassius is basically saying: “You don’t love me!? Then jusT KILL ME NOW!!” Pretty dramatic. He likely doesn’t mean this. As we pointed out in class, he is making Brutus feel a bit guilty.
Okay, they seem to cool off a bit. What do they blame Cassius’ “rash humor” on? (Lines 118-122)
ACT FOUR: Blame it on your genes. Brutus decides that Cassius was emotional because of his mother. It’s genetics. Obviously.
What was the purpose of this fight What was the purpose of this fight? Why would Shakespeare throw it into the play at this point?
What was the cause of Brutus’ anger? How does Cassius react to the news? & How much time does Brutus spend discussing Portia? Do you think this is odd at all?
ACT FOUR: Moving on... Speaking of dramatic, Brutus’ wife, Portia, had killed herself by swallowing hot coals. Ouch. What a way to go. But it does explain why Brutus went from being Logical to being Super Emotional as well. Cassius tries to talk about it more. He feels bad that he didn’t know. Brutus doesn’t want to talk about her death at all. Kind of strange? Yeah a bit, but he’s so matter-of-fact, so…
What news do they receive about Antony and the triumvirate? & Why do they decide to meet Antony and his army at Philippi?
ACT FOUR: Another Plan Enough about Portia, time to go to Philip! Er, Philippi. They find out that the new Triumvirate has killed 100 (or 70?) senators and are on the move with their army. They decide against staying put because as it turns out their army isn’t as supportive as they would have hoped. So waiting might give the soldiers a chance to change their minds.
Caesar’s ghost! Just when you thought it was weird that they were all having a slumber party in Brutus’ tent. What (very short) message did the ghost have for Brutus? And what was his response?
ACT FOUR: Boo, who? So they go to sleep and of course Caesar’s ghost has to appear. But it’s the least exciting ghost ever. The ghost tells Brutus he’ll see him at Philippi the next day Brutus says, Philippi? Okay, I’ll see you there.
Interpret the meaning of Ghost Caesar Interpret the meaning of Ghost Caesar. How will the appearance of the ghost influence Brutus?
What conflicts are introduced in Act Four? Who makes up the second triumvirate? How do they feel about each other? Why are Brutus and Cassius fighting in Act Four? Be specific. Why do they agree to meet Antony’s army at Philippi? What was the purpose of Caesar’s ghost appearing? What effect might it have had on Brutus? What were the external and internal conflicts in Act Four?
ACT FIVE: Summary What a tragic tragedy.
ACT FIVE: Everybody dies! Well, not quite. First, they try to talk it out. But Octavius isn’t having any of it. He’s ready to kill or be killed. It’s all very mature.
ACT FIVE: Everybody dies! Cassius and Brutus say goodbye to each other and nobody cries. “Farewell FOREVER AND FOREVER.” How hopeful and optimistic. Oh, and it’s Cassius’ birthday! Happy birth/death day! Yeah….
ACT FIVE: Everybody dies! Brutus attacks Octavius’ army while Antony attacks Cassius’. Cassius thinks Brutus attacked too soon and might lose and he can see that he’s in trouble. Cassius reminds his servant, Pindarus, how he didn’t murder him that one time and took him on as a servant and treated him well. So now he needs Pindarus to grant him a favor.
ACT FIVE: Everybody dies! So Cassius tells Pindarus how he can be a free man again. He has to stab him (Cassius). And also for no good reason, because as it turns out, Brutus’ army WAS beating Octavius’ and all that cheering coming from Cassius’ tents was Brutus and Cassius’ friends coming to help out Titinius. Titinius, upset by the loss of his friend, kills himself as well. Ouch. Meanwhile, Messala runs off to tell Brutus the bad news.
ACT FIVE: What is happening? Chaos, basically. Cato’s running around shouting his name as a challenge to anyone who wants to fight him. Then he’s killed. Lucilius is also captured and almost killed. But he has a plan. Lucilius is like, “I’m Brutus.” Until Antony comes over and is like, “No, you’re not.” But Antony lets him live because Lucilius said some somewhat noble things and Antony was impressed.
ACT FIVE: Final Scene Brutus runs around trying to find SOMEONE to kill him. They all say no because they like him. And they also want to try to get away before they are killed. And that’s sort of difficult to do if you’re busy killing your leader. Strato, who has been SLEEPING this whole time, wakes up and is easily convinced to hold Brutus’ sword while Brutus kills himself on it. He’s a nice guy, though, and asks to shake Brutus’s hand first. Octavius and Antony find Brutus dead and have a discussion over Brutus’s body. They decide they’ll give Brutus a proper burial and everything.
Brutus is trying to logically stop this whole Captain Philippi: Civil War thing from going down. Why doesn’t Antony agree with him? What point does he raise that’s something of a sore spot for Brutus? Octavius is so done with all this talking about bees! Translate his speech in lines 48-55. Happy Birthday to Cassius! But his birthday isn’t looking so great. What omens does he see while they were making their way from Sardis? What is his reaction? What do Cassius and Brutus discuss at the end of scene one? (I’m not crying, you’re crying.)
Why does Brutus think he can overtake Octavius’ side of the enemy’s army? Yeah, it’s not that exciting…
What does Cassius ask Pindarus to do and why? According to Titinius, what did Cassius misconstrue? What happens to Titinius?
Lucilius seems to have a plan. What is it? Does it work? Why or why not?
What is Brutus asking his friends to do for him What is Brutus asking his friends to do for him? What are their reactions? What do Antony and Octavius decide to do about Brutus? What does this show us about their characters? Overall, what did you think of the play?