ELFF Department Presentation Evangelization and Lifelong Faith Formation Services for the Parishes of the Diocese of St. Petersburg 727-344-1611 or BAL@DOSP.org
Department Vision & Interrelationship Vision: The Department of Evangelization and Lifelong Faith Formation seeks to support the diocesan and local parish efforts to evangelize the people of God and nourish the faith formation of the Church through all ages and phases of life. Mission: We commit ourselves to living our baptismal call and to promoting lifelong faith formation and the universal call to holiness as we: Encounter Jesus in our lives through Word and Sacrament and foster this encounter in the lives of children, youth and adults. Lead people to transformation in Christ and an integration of their Roman Catholic faith with their life experiences. Serve those who live and minister with and for people of faith in our local and diocesan communities.
Lifelong Faith Formation Department of Evangelization & Lifelong Faith Formation BRIAN LEMOI CHERYL LAFRAZIA *Faith Formation *Leadership Development *Administration DALE BROWN RUTH APPEL *Lay Pastoral Ministry Institute *Southeast Pastoral Institute-SEPI KATHY FILIPPELLI DIANE SHOEMAKER *Catechist Formation *AV Library DIANE KLEDZIK *Evangelization *Small Christian Communities *Adult Faith Formation *Strong Catholic Families/Strong Catholic Youth DEBBIE ALEXANDER *Marriage & Family Ministry RYAN PHELAN *Youth & Young Adult Ministry
Lifelong Faith Formation Leadership Development: Parish Directors of Religious Education Catholic School Administrators/School Religion Coordinators RCIA Coordinators Echo Partnership with Notre Dame Curriculum Development: K-8, High School: Parish/School Safe Environment Education Program Family Life/Human Sexuality Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Personnel Support: Hiring Process Support Supervision/Evaluation Support Orientation/Professional Development Recognition
Evangelization/Small Christian Communities Adult Faith Formation/SCFSCY Evangelization (Priest, Prophet and King) – Encountering Jesus Christ/Making Disciples Active Catholics Inactive/Returning Catholics The Unchurched Small Christian Communities – Diocesan Core Community serves parishes/SCCs in: shepherding Parish Core Community (PCC) Coordinators facilitating networking among parishes connecting parishes with resources promoting the ongoing formation of parish leadership providing training Adult Faith Formation – Shared by many offices in ELFF and beyond Scripture Study Resource recommendations per need Strong Catholic Families Strong Catholic Youth a cyclic parish process that engages parents in reflecting, assessing and actively sharing with parish leaders the specific support and formation they need to bring home the faith
Youth & Young Adult Ministry Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry Ryan Phelan Accompaniment Pastors Consultations Resources on Hiring and Staffing Youth/Young Adult Ministry Leaders National Certificate Program Monthly Training/Networking Meetings Teens National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC) March for Life Good Samaritan Project Youth Rallies Young Adults Theology on Tap World Youth Day Retreats Theology of the Body Workshops Families Family Sport Events Busch Gardens
Marriage and Family Ministry Facilitation of marriage preparation programs such as Journey to Matrimony, Pre Cana in both the English and Spanish language format, Remarriage and Convalidation Preparation Workshops Facilitation of Worldwide Marriage Encounter Ministries in the Diocese of St. Petersburg Facilitation of Retrouvaille Ministries for troubled marriages Marriage Enrichment Workshops Support for Priests, Deacons & Lay Personnel who prepare couples for marriage Support/In-service/resourcing of parish-based marriage preparation and enrichment programs
Catechist Formation The Diocesan Catechist Certification Program is intended for those who serve as parish catechists of children, youth and adults and all Catholic school teachers/staff members. The Catechist Certification Program is concerned with the faith development of the catechist as well as with doctrinal content of the faith and sound, age-appropriate and culturally sensitive methodology. Three Levels: Basic, Advanced and Master Catechist, Basic available in English and Spanish Continuing Growth Hours are required Program also renders Florida Teacher Certification Renewal Points 2-3 Thousand Active participants, 7600 to date
Lay Pastoral Ministry Institute The LPMI began on October 12, 1998 Participants enter the three years of formation with the consent and support of their pastors. The annual tuition fee for the three years of formation is divided between the participant, their parish, and the diocese. The LPMI class year consists of four modules, each comprised of four two-hour sessions, which take place from 7:00-9:00 pm. The LPMI offers classes in Spanish when possible. Each year of study begins with an orientation day and ends with a retreat. The LPMI faculty is an assembly of spiritually diverse individuals from the Diocese with specific area knowledge and practical ministerial experience. 311 lay ministers have been commissioned over the past 12 years. In 2014 merged the SEPI Program with the LPMI Program so that Hispanic lay ministers can be formed for service.