We believe the Bible is God’s Word and is the highest earthly authority given for instruction of God’s people, the church. We believe Jesus is the Word of God made flesh and he alone is the Lord of scripture and the only guide for biblical interpretation.
We believe the Bible traces the history of God’s relationship with his people, Israel, and that it points in all ways to Jesus, the Alpha and Omega, the goal of history. Trinity Baptist Church Website
What does the Bible say of itself? 2 Timothy 3:16-17 2 Peter 1:21 Psalm 19:7 Hebrews 4:16
What do we say of the Bible? Infallible 66 Books, 40 writers, 1500 years, 3 languages, 3 continents BUT one story We attribute the selection and collection as directed by the Holy Spirit as well The Christian’s standard of living
14b -> don’t quarrel over words 14a -> remember these things: 2 Timothy 2:14 14b -> don’t quarrel over words 14a -> remember these things: (Verses 2-13)
Present yourself to God: Approved worker Unashamed worker 2 Timothy 2:15 Present yourself to God: Approved worker Unashamed worker Worker handling correctly the word of truth
Acts 17:11-12 The Bereans … Received the word Researched the word Responded to the word Relayed the word