Exploring war tactics -WW1-
War on the land Tunneling Chemical warfare Machine guns Tanks Field guns
Chemical warfare Chemical warfare involved using toxic properties form chemicals as weapons Germany was the first to use poison gas The gas released would blind the solders and attacked their respiratory systems
Tanks were used for shelter and to drive through barbed wired fences Ended trench warfare First used during the Battle of the Somme to break through German lines
Machine guns Troops lined trenches with hundreds of machine guns that shot 400-500 rounds/minute Very effective defense mechanism Greatly impacted the way wars were fought Forced leaders to develop new strategies
Tunneling Tunneling was used to place mines beneath enemy defensive positions and explode the section when time to do so Military employed specialist miners to dig tunnels under No Mans Land
War in the air Dirigibles (air ships) planes
Dirigibles (air ships) Developed in 1800’s Were giant hydrogen gas filled inflatable airships Used by Italy, France, and Germany Used for scouting an bombing missions
Planes First used to scout enemy positions Many deaths dues to training and mechanical failure Pilots threw grenades or shot at enemy planes Eventually, guns were mounted to either side and were used in aerial dogfights
War at sea U-Boats (Submarines) Q-ships
U-boats (submarines) Germany used U-boats the most U-Boats were armed with technology that could sing large ships They disrupted British shipping Could travel underwater without being tracked until allies created listening devices to locate them
Q-Ships Were heavily armed merchant ships containing weaponry, designed to lure submarines into open surface This gave the ships open fire to destroy the submarines In WW1, they were used by the British Royal Navy and the German Kaiserliche Marine
Experience I cannot begin to imagine how the experience of fighting in the war was, as observers we can only read into it and look at pictures. Our teachers teach us about the horrible factors that every soldier went through but that will never be close to knowing how life was at war.