Cove Church of the Nazarene Announcements Welcome to Cove Church of the Nazarene Today is Cove House Sunday, today we stop to recognize and pray for the ministry of Cove House, an emergency shelter here in Copperas Cove whose ministry is in need of help. We will be taking up a special offering for them today and we have a box in the back to collect food donations. Here are a few other announcements for what is coming up in the next few weeks: May 13, 2018 1
We enjoyed the fellowship of all who attended Ladies Tea The Women’s Ministry Committee would like to thank everyone who helped with setup and cleanup. We enjoyed the fellowship of all who attended
First and Third Saturday each month Praise Café Karaoke First and Third Saturday each month 6:00-9:00 PM in the Teen Room Next one is May 19
Kid’s Camp July 23-27
MAY 20th PM SERVICE ...drama that touches the heart, the mind, and the soul.
May 27th following AM Service GRADUATE POTLUCK May 27th following AM Service Italian food potluck to honor this year’s graduates
Open to prospective and current members During SS, Starting on June 3 Membership Class Open to prospective and current members During SS, Starting on June 3 Topics covered: The Articles of Faith of the Church of the Nazarene History of the Church of the Nazarene Structure and administration of the denomination See Pastor Patrick for details
Coming Soon !! June 16 (Saturday) Benefits Kids Camp & VBS Start collecting stuff See Teresa Wheeler
To access RightNow Media, we need to provide your email address. If you want to use an email address other than the one we already have, please provide it to Pastor Ann ASAP. If we do not have an email address for you and you would like to have RightNow Media then please provide an email address. Cost to you: $0
JUNE 8 (FRI) 6:00 PM VISION WEEKEND JUNE 8-10 Board Members Church Leaders – Sunday School Men and Women Ministry Leadership Groups Teen Leaders
JUNE 9 (SAT) ~9:00AM VISION WEEKEND JUNE 8-10 All adults are encouraged to be here to give input into the Vision for our church to hear what has been discussed help further refine what we want to do here in Cove for the building of the Kingdom of our God
JUNE 10 (SUN) VISION WEEKEND JUNE 8-10 Sam Flores, the Assistant District Superintendent of South Texas District will be speaking
This Week At Cove Sunday Evening Worship – 6:00 PM @Church Tuesday Teen Quizzing - 6:30 PM @Teen Room Wednesday Kids Bible Class – 6:30 PM @Education Building Youth Group – 6:30 PM @Teen Room Bible Study – 6:30 PM @Church Thursday Young Adult Bible Study – 6:30 PM @Church