Curriculum (“predmetnik”) and Syllabus(“učni načrt”) Preschool education Not obligatory Children between the ages of 2 and 6 Public kindergartens - established and financed by the municipality, have a national curriculum Private kindergartens - Have their own program, kindergartens like Montessori. Curriculum (“predmetnik”) and Syllabus(“učni načrt”) Documents written by the Ministry of Education Curriculum – Contains information about which subjects have to be taught at a certain school Syllabus – Connected to one subject. Information about what has to be taught in that subject
Primary school education Obligatory, 9 years, starts with age of 6 established by the municipality Free, program defined by the national Curriculum and Syllabuses for different subjects 3 age groups, elective subjects and differentiation in the last group National examination
High school education Usually starts with age of 15, takes 2 to 5 years to finish. Everyone who finished primary school can attend any high school Centralized General high school education - meant to prepare students to continue their studies on the level of higher education (university). General Gymnasium, Classical Gymnasium, Technical Gymnasium, Economical Gymnasium, Art Gymnasium Vocational and professional education - are meant to prepare student to start working in various jobs. Technical and professional high school, Lover vocational high school, Vocational high school, Vocational and technical school
Some points about higher education in Slovenia The Matura standardized final exam that takes place at the end of high school education and serves as transfer ticket to the levels of higher education General Matura - consists of exams from 5 subjects. Slovene language, Mathematics and a foreign language (usually English) are mandatory and 2 of them are elective Vocational Matura - consists of the obligatory part, which is the exam of Slovene language and a professional subject and the elective part which is the exam of either Mathematics or a foreign language and a project Some points about higher education in Slovenia It is free Student coupons 5 year master studies for mathematics teachers at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at the University of Ljubljana Some talking points National curriculums and syllabuses and their effect on the equality of primary schools an high schools Nationally standardized Matura and its effect on getting accepted into faculties