SELF SELECT & ELECTIVES We are a self select school district. This means that: We make learning recommendations for each course and hope that you make the best selection FOR YOU based on accurate self reflection and the learning recommendations This means you have choices to make while considering rigor, HW load, interest in the course and graduation requirements
OFTEN students aim really high in March and then don’t realize they stretched too far in September and then are angry when we don’t have room in the classes they want to change into Examples: Dropping honors to on level OR releveling from PreCalc to AdvAlgTrig We make decisions in APRIL about how many sections to run based on original March selections. This means, if you choose AP or Honors now, you’ve committed to take those unless room is available in an on level course. The computer saves your original requests so we can look at what you’ve committed to.
Let’s look at how to navigate it… Use the course guide to look at each option! Our course guide can be found online on the counseling webpage The new online course guide allows you to find which classes qualify for which credits (Art, CTE, etc.) AND look at the recommendations for each course Let’s look at how to navigate it…
To find the course guide CLICK COUNSELING CENTER
The bar on the right allows you search by type of credit The bar on the right allows you search by type of credit. For example, if you know you still need CTE credit, click on the Career and Tech Education.
Once your in a subject area, click on a course and read about the learning recommendations and other details.
Getting a good schedule The best way to get a schedule you’re happy with is: Make accurate course selections in March Spend some time going through the course guide to make sure you know what all your choices are Talk to teachers about your strengths and abilities in each subject area Challenge yourself but only with a healthy load for you Make sure your courses keep you on track for graduation
Conflicts are looked at by each section – Course selection drives our master schedule – it’s important to pick accurately in March We create how many classes and what period they are offered sections based on requests made in March Examples: 90 kids request Ceramics 1, we can offer 3 sections throughout the day and all 90 students can fit 38 kids request Woods 1, we can offer just 1 section of 30 so 8 students will get their alternate Why? I only have a certain number of sections so there needs to be enough students in each section I offer (usually a minimum of 26) Conflicts are looked at by each section – Example: We look at all of the students who want Choir (only 1 section) and then we look each of their choices that have only 1 section (example: Woods 2). We then place those classes at different times in the school day Computer generates schedules for fairness
? Electives Anything can be an elective! First start by making sure you have completed all necessary TYPES of credits (PE, Art, CTE, etc.) After you’ve completed all required types of credits, you can choose any elective! There is NO ELECTIVE CATEGORY on the course guide because an elective is any course that is interesting to you ?
Electives – lots of options English Social Studies Science PE Art CTE World Language Film as Lit Economics Biomedical Science Anatomy & Physiology Crossfit Fashion Design Graphic Design Sales and Marketing Child Development Spanish Public Speaking Globalization and Sustainability Science of Forensics Fundamentals of Fitness Visual Arts Tech Theatre Business Law Japanese Shakespeare Law and Society AP Sciences (+) Yoga Ceramics Band (+) Web Design Intro Health Careers French Creative Writing History of Sports Marine Bio General PE Photography Orchestra (+) Adv Computer Topic/Project American Sign Language Chinese Journalism NW Studies CTE Science equivalencies (+) Team Sports Adv. Art Choir (+) Yearbook Health ASL History Music Dance Theatre Arts (+) Beg. Singing Intro Computer Sci History Film Intro Fitness AP Art Beg. Piano Woods Other Psychology (+) Weight Training (+) Beg. Guitar iVision Leadership Movies & Music Sports Med Engineering (+) Personal Finance AP Economics Material Science AP Computer Scie (+) = more than one option