Kiarra, Alex, Pele, Bridget Chapter 9 Kiarra, Alex, Pele, Bridget
Plot Scout gets agitated and is ready to fight Cecil Jacobs when he says that Atticus defends ‘niggers’. Pg. 82 Scout asks if Atticus defends ‘niggers’ than is told not to say that world because it is ‘common’. Pg. 83 Scout asks if all lawyers defend negroes to which Atticus replies ‘of course they do’, scout questions his answer because when Cecil Jacobs said it he made it sound like he was ‘runnin’ a still’. Pg. 83 Scout questions why Atticus is defending Tom Robinson if he shouldn’t be defending him, he replies that if he didn’t defend him he wouldn’t have any respect. Pg. 83
Plot Scout walked away from a fight for the first time because of Atticus’ wise words. Pg. 85 Francis calls Atticus a ‘nigger-lover’, this causes Scout to chase after him. He goes to the old kitchen and then after a little time he comes out and agitates scout again so he runs back inside. Pg. 92 Francis says ‘nigger-lover’ once more and scout punches him in his jaw splitting her knuckle. Pg. 93 Scout comes down stairs while Atticus and Uncle Jack were talking about life and how Atticus treats Scout. Pg. 96-98 Scout realizes that Atticus wanted Scout to hear every part of the conversation. Pg. 98
Setting Finch’s Landing - 366 steps down a high bluff and ending in a jetty. Old cotton landing Small road leads to house: “a two-rut road ran from the riverside and vanished among dark trees” 2 stories, white, porches all around, built by Simon Finch. Separate kitchen to rest of house. Lots of bedrooms “the internal arrangements of the Finch house were indicative of Simon’s guilelessness and the absolute trust with which he regarded his offspring”
Characters – relationships and descriptions Scout looks up to Atticus greatly and their relationship is one full of education and understanding. “I drew a bead on him, remembered what Atticus said and then dropped my fists and walked away” - pg 85. “Somehow if I fought Cecil I would let Atticus down” – pg 85. These two quotes, along with Atticus’s discussion with his brother, Jack further within the chapter is a demonstration of Scout’s respect and dedication to her father’s requests and his name. She also presents her care for Atticus by fighting Francis to defend her father’s name after he repeatedly called him a ‘nigger-lover’. · Jack Finch, Atticus’s brother is perceived to be a lighter and open man for someone of his occupation. “Jem and I always thought it funny when Uncle Jack pecked Atticus on the cheek; they were the only two men we ever saw kiss each other” – pg 86. This gives readers the idea that the brotherly bond between Atticus and Jack was a fond one and even though kissing anyone as a greeting (especially between the same gender) was found odd, this is just another example of Jack’s openness and affection towards his loved ones.
Characters – relationships and descriptions · The relationship between Jack and Scout appears to be comedic and friendly. Especially when Uncle Jack treats the wounds of Scout, like her splinter. “When Uncle Jack caught me, he kept me laughing about a preacher who hates going to church so much that every day he stood at his gate in his dressing-gown, smoking a hookah and delivering five minute sermons to any passers-by who desired spiritual comfort”- pg 86 It is seen in this section of how Scout and Uncle Jack by the way she feels comfortable enough to describe him as ‘Uncle Jack’ unlike she does with her father, Atticus. It also shows how Uncle Jack is a gentler person as he proceeds to take the splinter out once Scout is distracted rather than ignoring her concern.
Racism – Cecil Jacobs accuses Atticus for defending ‘Negros’: “He had announced in the school yard that day before that Scout Finch’s daddy defended ‘niggers’” (p82- 83) Christmas – Jem and Scout have mutually mixed feelings about Christmas and spending the holiday with family: “Then Christmas came and disaster struck. Jem and I viewed Christmas with mixed feelings.”(p85) Violence – Scout is angry about Cecil Jacobs agitating remarks against her Father: “My fists were clenched and I was ready to fly. Atticus promised me he would wear me out if he ever heard of me fighting any more.” (p82) Law/legislature – Atticus explains to Scout Tom Robinson’s case: “I’m simply defending a Negro – his name is Tom Robinson”. (p83) Parenting/discipline – Atticus is explaining to Uncle Jack how that afternoons events effected Scout and how he acted: “Children are children, but they can spot an evasion quicker than adults, and evasion simply meddles em’. ‘No’, my father mused, ‘you had the right answer this afternoon but the wrong reasons”. (p97) Themes