Welcome to Campus Enterprises
Parking & Transportation Bookstore Dining ID Card Mail Parking & Transportation
UNCG Bookstore
Bookstore Bucks Add Bookstore Bucks online at bookstorebucks.uncg.edu Pay for your books at the UNCG Bookstore when you set up Bookstore Bucks on your SpartanCard Have your books billed to your student account
Bookstore Bucks Sign up today, and they will be on your SpartanCard for your Fall textbook purchase! Use BookstoreBucks on textbooks, school supplies, and UNC Greensboro gear! Deadline to add is August 16th
SAVE 25% on School Spirit Apparel Download the My College Bookstore app and SAVE 25% on School Spirit Apparel
Spartan Dining
What’s for lunch?
Need to Know Our Dining Memberships gives you access to more than just food. Enjoy a variety of dining programs including themed meals, special events, and access to our very own Registered Dietitian. Fountain View gives you the best value for eating on campus. Each swipe counts as one all access pass to our all you care to eat facility.
Need to Know Add more Flex throughout the semester, Flex never expires! Use your Flex at retail locations for a 5% discount. Use your Flex at Fountain View for $1 off! We have Flex partners who deliver right to your Residence Hall and accept Flex! Work with us! We are always hiring students to work at one of our dining locations.
Business Center
SpartanCard You will need the following to receive a SpartanCard: Valid, Government-Issued, Photo ID* SOAR Badge / Class Registration 9-Digit University ID Number Online Photo Submission available for approved images * Please see a manager for questions regarding what is “valid”
SpartanCard Center Deposit Flex & SpartanCash Card Replacements Local, Long Distance, & International Faxes Badge Reels
Spartan Mail Your mailing address should follow this format: [Your Name] [iSpartan] at UNCG Greensboro, NC 27413 Receiving mail is strictly for residential students. Forwarding service is required when moving off campus
Post Office Services Purchase stamps Send envelopes & packages -Both foreign and domestic USPS, FedEx, DHL & UPS Mailing is available to everyone on campus
Parking Operations & Campus Access Management (POCAM)
CAR-FREE Sustainable Transportation bike share and scooters Fare-FREE buses: . Park & Ride * Spartan Chariot ShareTheRide * Emergency Ride Home Most first year students don’t bring a car to campus, saving a lot of money with these car-free sustainable transportation options. Rent a Lime bike, scooter, or Zipcar with your smart phone. Use your SpartanCard to ride buses fare-free. You also have access to Amtrak trains, regional PART buses, Lyft, Uber, a ride share network for carpooling, and an Emergency Ride Home program. Check out our “Oh the places you can go….” brochure for more detailed information.
options for students living ON campus Residential Permits options for students living ON campus EB – remote lot $193 B – perimeter lots $333 VB – Spartan Village $333 Deck permits managed by wait list If you do decide to bring a car to campus, please remember that campus parking regulations are enforceable at ALL times – 24/7 – including weekends, holidays, and breaks. Also, you’ll need to budget for a parking permit. Prices vary by permit type. Student permits range from $59/year for motorcycle/moped permit up to $490 per year for a deck permit. Most parking lots are located around the edge of campus and in remote lots accessible by shuttles. Be prepared to walk 10 to 15 minutes to get to your car or classes, and/or ride a shuttle bus. If you live ON campus and don’t plan to drive much, an EB permit is the best value permit option. If you have a job off campus and need easy access to your car 24/7, a B permit is probably a better option for you. If you live in Spartan Village, request a VB permit. All student deck permits are managed by wait list.
options for students living OFF campus Commuter Permits options for students living OFF campus E – Park & Ride $193 C – perimeter lots $333 Deck permits managed by wait list If you live off campus and have early morning classes, a C permit will allow you to park on the edge of campus and walk to your classes. A Park & Ride permit is the best value permit option for commuters, and shuttles run every 10 minutes departing from the Park & Ride lot at 1720 W Gate City Blvd across from the Coliseum. All student deck permits are managed by wait list. The permit cost is for one year of parking (fall, spring, and summer)
How to purchase a permit First, register for classes. Then request a permit online at https://parkingpermits.uncg.edu/ or in the parking office at Walker Deck. Cost of permit billed to student account. Permits mailed to home if requested by July 25th. Pick up permit in Walker Deck parking office after July 25th. If you plan to bring a car to campus then you will need to purchase a parking permit. The first step is to register for classes. Then you will be able to request a permit online or in the parking office at Walker Deck. The cost of the permit will be billed to your student account. If request by July 25th then permit will be mailed to your home. Permits requested after July 25th can be picked up in the parking office at Walker Deck. For more information about parking and transportation, please reference our FAQ or stop by our info table. We’re also available by phone, email, and Twitter.
campusenterprises.uncg.edu/soar Thank You! Visit us at campusenterprises.uncg.edu/soar