“Day C” January 26, 2018 8:01 - 9:01 Math 9:03 - 10:03 Science 8:01 - 9:01 Math 9:03 - 10:03 Science 10:05 - 11:05 Exploratory 11:07 -11:37 11:39-12:41 LUNCH (1st Lunch) Social Studies 12:43 - 1:43 English 1:45 - 2:45
DO NOW: Take out study guide. Take 2 minutes and look over to get ready for test. -(-5)
I will be able to apply my knowledge of expressions and equations So I can demonstrate my understanding of: the order of operations so I can evaluate expressions the meaning of exponents so I can write and evaluate numerical expressions with whole number exponents Variables so I can create expressions involving perimeter, area or volume I will know I got it when I can complete my test independently with at least 80% accuracy. 6.EE.A1, 6.EE.A2c, 6.EE.A3, 6.EE.A4
Language Objective By the end of the lesson, student will be able to use the language domains or reading and writing. They will read the real problems and write and evaluate algebraic expressions involving perimeter, area and volume. They will know they got it if they can communicate the key vocabulary effectively with at least 80% accuracy. Academic Math Language Vocabulary: order of operation, exponent, variable (Mod. 4 lessons 1-17 vocab)
How do you feel? topic.
Missing Work
Accommodations Read or reread presentation or activity directions, as needed or after prompting Use examples to model and act as a guide for emerging learners