Hindu Festivals
Diwali - “Festival Of Lights” End of Oct. beginning of Nov. It celebrates the triumph of good and knowledge over the evil forces Homes are decorated, fireworks set off, lavish vegetarian feasts Dedicated to Lakshmi, goddess of wealth and good fortune, and Vishnu, who destroyed the demon Naraka
Diwali – Festival Of Lights National Geographic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrrW3rO51ak
Holi – Spring Festival 2 day festival in March Worshippers light a bonfire the night before the festival to signify the burning of evil Celebrates the destruction of evil A colourful festival – Hindus spray each other with coloured paint and powder Food, particularly sweets, are distributed to family and friends
Holi Festival Of Colors Kicks Off India https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaysqwFoVOE
Mahashivaratri – Night Of Shiva Festival Devoted to Shiva for 1 day in February After purifying themselves, worshippers keep a 24 hour vigil, pray to Shiva, and fast for 24 hours Women pray for the well-being of their husbands and sons. An unmarried woman prays for a husband like Shiva, who is considered to be the ideal husband. Between midnight and sunrise, Shiva’s name is repeated and flowers are placed on his image after his image is washed in water, milk, and honey Participating helps absolve your sins so you may be liberated from the cycle
Shivratri Festival Of India – TODAY Is Maha Shivratri! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lh9QSPv24Ko
Navaratri - Nine Nights Nine nights are mainly performed by women in the spring and fall First 3 nights, worship Durga who washes away laziness and evil thought Second 3 nights, worship Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and good fortune Final 3 nights, worship Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge and learning The festival ends with a day to celebrate the victory of good over evil
1st October 2016: Navratri Festival, Merriment Lawns, Ahmedabad (India) only watch a minute since only dancing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4c81ydKJGQ
Kumbh Mela – The Assembly Of The Water Pots And Feast Of The Holy Ones In a 12 year cycle the major Kumbh Mela happens once and takes place over 42 days at Allahabad which is the most holy place Once every four years, minor melas take place at 3 other places in India the Coloured flags are hung, fakirs and sadhus are celebrated in the parade of holy men; some ride elephants or unsaddled horses LAPSI is eaten The legend told is about the churning of the ocean when the gods were weak
Kumbh Mela - Worlds Biggest Festival - National Geographic This video will only be shown in class for the first 2 minutes This