Chenery Middle School Grade Six Band Jeopardy Chenery Middle School Grade Six Band
Duration Tempo Dynamics Key Signatures 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500
Half Notes - 2 beats each Row 1, Col 1 Each slide click here for answer What kind of notes are these? AND In 4/4 time, how many beats do each of these notes receive? Row 1, Col 1
1,2 Moderate - the quarter note receives one beat Each slide click here for answer What is the speed of the pulse in this music? AND What note receives one pulse/measure? 1,2
“Piano” means to play quietly. Each slide click here for answer How do you pronounce this symbol and what does it mean? 1,3
Each slide click here for answer One flat- Bb - F Major Each slide click here for answer Name the flats/sharps in this key signature and tell what major key is represented. Don’t transpose! 1,4
Dotted Half Notes - 3 beats each What kind of notes are these? AND In 6/4 time, how many beats do each of these notes receive? 2,1
2,2 Relaxed, “walking speed” - the quarter note gets one beat. What is the speed of the pulse in this music? AND What note receives one pulse/measure? 2,2
3 - 2 - 4 - 1 1 2 3 4 2,3 Put these in order from quietest to strongest. 2,3
Two flats - Bb & Eb - Bb Major Name the flats/sharps in this key signature and tell what major key is represented. Don’t transpose! 2,4
Eighth Notes - one half beat each What kind of notes are these? AND In 4/4 time, how many beats do each of these notes receive? 3,1
Very Fast - the half note gets one beat. What is the speed of the pulse in this music? AND What note receives one pulse/measure? 3,2
3,3 The bottom one is the decrescendo. Which of these symbols calls for an decrease in volume, the top one or the bottom one and what is it called? 3,3
No flats or sharps - C Major Name the flats/sharps in this key signature and tell what major key is represented. Don’t transpose! 3,4
Dotted Quarter Notes- one and a half beats each What kind of notes are these? AND In 4/4 time, how many beats do each of these notes receive? 4,1
Very Slow - the quarter note gets one beat. What is the speed of the pulse in this music? AND What note receives one pulse/measure? 4,2
4,3 Attack strong but immediately quiet down and stay quiet. What does this symbol mean to do over the course of an extended note? 4,3
One Sharp - F# - G Major Name the flats/sharps in this key signature and tell what major key is represented. Don’t transpose! 4,4
Dotted Whole Note - six beats What kind of note is this? AND In 6/4 time, how many beats does it receive? 5,1
5,2 Quite Fast - the dotted quarter gets one beat. What is the speed of the pulse in this music? AND What note receives one pulse/measure? 5,2
this symbol mean and what is implied came before it? Immediately get quiet. The music is divided sharply at this point from a preceding louder section. What does this symbol mean and what is implied came before it? 5,3
Two Sharps - F# & C# - D Major Name the flats/sharps in this key signature and tell what major key is represented. Don’t transpose! 5,4
“phone a friend” for half points
Culture Name the top three cities in France by population.
Paris, Lyon et Marseille