MICROWAVES (=^.^=) By bubba, gertie, nikiiiii xoxo (Jonah Schumer, Greta Schindler, Nicole Lew)
Wavelength/Frequency Wavelength Range: 0.1m - .001m Frequency Range: 1,000,000,000Hz – 40,000,000,000Hz Between Infrared and Radio Waves
Uses and Applications Satellite Communication Systems Navigation/Radar/ Radar Guns Cooking/Heating Power Plasma Physics Curing Resins, Rubber, and Plywood TV Broadcasting
Can Humans See This Light? Humans cannot see this light because it was never evolutionarily advantageous
Learning Disabilities Is This Light Harmful? Can cause: Cancer Cataracts Severe Headaches Sleep Disturbances Memory Loss Learning Disabilities A.D.D Infertility
How Was This Discovered? Discovered by Dr. Percy Spencer Discovered in 1946 While testing a new vacuum called the “Magnetron”, he noticed a candy bar in his pocket melted. He concluded the melting was from a low-density microwave energy
THUPER FUN FACTHS First commercial microwave oven made 1947. Cost $5000, 6 ft. tall, and weighed 750 pounds Over 90% own a microwave Can penetrate haze, light rain, snow, clouds, and smoke
The end.