WRMS Cheerleading parent meeting Wednesday, February 28th, 2018
Coach & Sponsor Jenna Scott – Coach 2018-19 Season Chemistry Teacher at WHS Gina Morreale- Sponsor 2018-19 Season US History at WRMS
Squads 7th grade squad made of 7th graders 8th grade squad made of 8th graders
Practice/Game Schedule Football season After school Mondays and Tuesdays at WHS Camp August 8 (WRMS only) 9,10,11 (w/ Hill Country). Basketball season After school Mondays and Thursdays Sign up for two games of your choice Practices – approx. every other Wednesday 6-7:30 Occasional community appearances Calendars will be posted on Ms. Morreale’s website
Cheerleading Fee Cheerleading Fee for school year will be $325 per cheerleader Coaching Tuition $300 Activity Fee $25 2 white bows and 1 pink bow 2 meals at camps Locker decoration Sign making supplies for WRMS v HCMS game Supplies for Shadow Box display in lobby Supplies for any parent run team activities (No extra is anticipated but if there is leftover it will donated to the program) Payments will be made online with a link provided due May 18th
Uniforms Uniforms are purchased individually $188 for Uniform (Shell, skirt) BUY USED DAY.... Varsity uniform fitting April 5th Returning 8th grader @ 4 New Cheerleaders @ 5 Parents highly encouraged to attend. Room 211
Additional Gear – Required Campwear (1 tank and 1 shirt from varsity) $57.00 Black spandex shorts (multiple rec) Options available from Varsity Required – White Cheer Shoes Required – Black sports bra
Additional Gear - Optional COLD WEATHER GEAR Fleece w/name from Varsity Black Sleeves from Varsity Long Black Leggings Option available from Varsity Black Bag from Varsity
Additional Gear – Optional Can be purchased by athlete or parent! Spirit Shirts from Varsity WRMS hat from Varsity
So, what’s the cost? New Cheerleader: Prices will vary for each family based on what they need to buy and any additional items but here is an estimate: New Cheerleader: Camp Gear $57.00 Uniform $188.00 Total $245.00 (Tax and Shipping may impact total) Returning Cheerleader with approved uniform Camp Gear $57.00 Total $57.00 (Tax and Shipping may impact total)
NEW CHEERLEADER AT WHS ~$1,258 for 2 uniforms, camp clothes, bag, and cold weather gear (all of which are mandatory) Please understand we have attempted to make this as affordable as possible
Payment Payment to Varsity are due Monday, April 30th Payment portal – please check that items are correct before payment If you need to set up payment plan talk with Gina If you have not communicated with Gina and have not paid by the deadline then your daughter may be removed from the team
Camp Pre-camp practice on Aug 8th UCA Home Camp with HCMS at West Ridge Middle School August 9th, 10th, and 11th Cost $150 per athlete -Pictures will be taken the Saturday morning of Camp Payment due May 18th Payment Link will be posted on Ms. Morreale’s website after fitting.
Physicals Each girl must have a completed physical by Camp to participate. We recommend making appointments early with your doctor or clinic!
Tryouts Tryout materials is posted on the website and will include multiple sidelines/cheers for the girls to learn What you need to wear/bring Appropriate clothes to work out You do not need to purchase cheer shoes for tryouts Hair pulled back completely in a ponytail NO Jewelry Water bottle Positive attitude and coachability All forms (registration, constitution agreement, liability form)
Tryouts Tryouts will be held the week of March 20-22nd Tuesday 3/20: Tryout clinic (6:00-7:30) (6th grade only) Wednesday 3/21: Tryout clinic (6:00-7:30) (6th & 7Th grade Thursday 3/22: Tryouts (6:00-7:30) (7Th grade) Thursday 4/5: Fittings Returning cheerleaders @ 4:00 in room 211. New cheerleaders @ 5:00 in room 211 Parents highly encouraged to attend .
TEAM MOMS Need 1-2 moms for each squad Responsibilities include: Reminder e-mails for each squad Organizing food and snacks (camp/parties) Cheer shadow box at WRMS Locker decorations Various other duties as needed Interested? let us know!
Random things!! Do not pierce your daughters ears 6 weeks prior to camp to the end of basketball season No nail polish during games (french tip, nude only) The practice before the pep rally is mandatory for safety reasons
Questions? For questions regarding tryouts, games, or practices cheer related questions please contact Coach Scott at JScott2@eanesisd.net For questions regarding fittings and uniforms, please email Gina at gmorreale@eanesisd.net Don’t forget to sign in before you leave. Other general questions? THANK YOU!
Don’t forget to organize!! Pictures on last day of camp – find someone Make up pictures on first day of school – find someone Big and Little Sisters…Organize at tryouts Electronic Forms Google Classroom for girls October – pink stuff!! Videos of cheers MASCOTS?