Japanese Language
Compared to Other Languages Written language originated from China Syntactically similar to Korean Includes Chinese characters… but pronounced differently
Written language Three Alphabets Even though Hiragana and Katakana have the same pronunciations, they are used differently Typically written vertically using paper called genkoyoshi
How the Heck do they Text? Hiragana keyboards! OR IME, input method editor, using the English alphabet On cell phones, keitai, they press the number keys multiple times to get the character they want (sound familiar?) Due to the difficulty, there is a lot of internet slang such as...
More about Slang for “internally screaming” This can only be done on an English Keyboard
Loanwords in Japanese When a word is borrowed from another language it is spelled with katakana characters. Japanese uses words derived from a lot of Languages but mostly from English such as... Computer KONPYUUTAA コンピューター Television TEREBI テレビ Fashion FASHON ファション Spicy SUPAISHII スパイシー Chocolate CHOKOREETO チョコレート
Loan Words in English English borrows words from Japanese as well! You probably use them too... Anime, Futon, Sumo, Sayonara, Samurai, Sake, Karaoke, Sashimi, Sushi, Ramen, etc. The most interesting one is “Skosh” meaning “a little,” commonly used in Britain... 少し SUKOSHI a little “Could you move over just a skosh.”
Grammer Typically organized as subject-object-verb Since there are no spaces to separate words particles are used in between to indicate the subject, verb, possession, etc. 私はりんごが食べます。I eat apples. (lit. I apple eat) Verbs will indicate your tone as well making you sound polite or rude The most honorific form of verbs is called keigo, which is extremely difficult to master Because Japanese is extremely honorific, it is difficult to be sarcastic without sounding like pretentious
NAMES Refer to someone’s last name rather than their first. Family is more important than the individual Use Suffixes such as -san -sama -chan -kun FUN JAPANESE INTERNET SLANG FACT!!! “Last name△” means “He/she is so cool” △In Japanese is pronounced sankakkei: san (the suffix) and kakkei meaning cool So クローディア△ Means Claudia is so cool
My Thoughts I wish they’d rewrite their language already to get rid of kanji It sucks that you can’t play Devil’s Advocate by being commercially sarcastic without sounding rude Overall the history of how Japanese came to be what it is today is very interesting Knowing the basics of the language is key to being culturally competent Even though it’s not as sexy as Spanish it’s still fun to speak it and use straight forward comedy I will now be using くぁwせdrftgyふじこlp just to confuse my friends
Works Cited “Japanese Language.” Japan Fact Sheet. The Anime Man and AkiDearest. The Japanese Internet Slang Quiz! YouTube, The Anime Man, 3 July 2017, The Japanese Internet Slang Quiz! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScQbogJ0W0s Google Images, Google, images.google.com/.