RECAP OF OUR LAST STUDY From our last study, entitled “Christian attitude during persecution”, we learnt that persecution is part of our calling. It is to suffer for righteousness’ sake, for the name of Jesus, but not as an evil-doer. We should not retaliate during persecution. Rather, we should pray for our persecutors and endure patiently. The Lord has promised to uphold us and He will give us the grace to glorify Him during persecution. We will enjoy His comfort, protection and provision.
TODAY’S STUDY: LESSON 714: VICTORY OVER TEMPTATION MEMORY VERSE: …… “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation; for when he’s tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love Him” (James 1:12). TEXT: Luke 4:1-12; James 1:12-16; Jeremiah 35:1-10
TODAY’S STUDY (continued) INTRODUCTION: Temptation is a common experience of all men, saints and sinners alike. It is an enticement or suggestion (in thought, feeling or action) to sin or to do evil. Satan doesn’t want anyone to be saved from sin. So he brings temptation to lure the believer from the faith. QUESTION 1a: What is temptation? – Luke 4:1-3; Jer 35:2-5; QUESTION 1b: How do sinners and backsliders fare during temptation? – I John 3:8; John 8:44
SOURCES OF TEMPTATION James 1:14; Matthew 4:1 Satan, demons and human agents are sources of temptation. But the greatest source of temptation is the heart, “For from within, out of the heart of men proceed evil thoughts…..” QUESTION 2: What are the sources of temptation? – Matthew 4:1; Mark 7:21-23; I Peter 2:10,11 QUESTION 3: Mention some bible characters who fell into temptation. How and why did they fall? – Gen 3:6; 13:10-13; 25:29-35
THE PURPOSE OF SATAN IN BRINGING TEMPTATIONS John 10:10; I Chr 21:1,2-4,7,14 Total ignorance of some saints in the bible concerning the purpose of Satan in arranging their downfall made him to achieve his devices towards them. The believers should not be ignorant of the devices of the devil. (John 10:10)
VICTORY FOR THE CHRISTIAN Matthew 4:3-10; Gen 39:8,9 Whatever form or shape the devil will bring a temptation to a heavenly bound saint, the believer can by the grace of God come out victorious if we handle it prayerfully. QUESTION 4: How can a believer be victorious over temptation? – Gen 39:7-9; Psalm 119:9,11 QUESTION 5 What principles must a believer bear in mind during temptation? – James 1:12; Prov 1:10-15; Titus 2:11,12
PRESERVATION FROM TEMPTATION AND THE OVERCOMERS’ BENEFITS – Hebrews 2:18; James 1:2-4,12 Satan designs temptations to destroy the saint but God’s grace is abundant to help him overcome. The believer overcomes temptations, Christian character is developed and strengthened. Of course, the benefits are for those who overcome. QUESTION 6: What are the benefits that believers who overcome temptations and the tempter enjoy? – James 1:2-4, 12
CONCLUSION Temptation is common all. It is not sinful to be tempted: falling into it is sin. As our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ overcame, so shall the believer also overcome by His grace. We should be watchful and prayerful so we do not to fall into temptation. We should also put the flesh under discipline by the Spirit. There is a promise of preservation and reward for those who endure and overcome.