Adult and Continuing Education Cameron University Adult and Continuing Education Bachelor of Science Organizational Leadership CIP Code: 309999 Program Code: 775 Fall 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010
Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Student-Learning Outcomes (Bold Outcomes Reflect Priority Outcomes in this Report) Students will demonstrate a general knowledge of the core content areas of the ORGL program (foundations of organizational leadership, professional communication, data analysis and interpretation, ethics and organizations, leading and managing, survey of fiscal management, and markets and stakeholders ), as well as the abilities to apply, analyze, evaluate and create knowledge in real world situations Students will demonstrate global thinking, critical thinking, communication skills, problem solving, quantitative and analytical skills, and technological innovation skills Students will develop additional specialized knowledge in an area of institutional focus (Cameron focus area is Communications) Students will demonstrate increased knowledge applicable to their personal enrichment and/or professional advancement Students will apply concepts and theories learned in the core content courses and area of focus to a capstone project in ORGL 4553 Fall 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011
External Program Outcomes Student-Learning Outcomes External Program Outcomes Overarching Goal of Program: Substantially increase the percentage number of adults college graduates in Oklahoma among working adults who have completed approximately two or more years of college (or equivalent). Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 Revised August 2010
Student-Learning Outcomes State-Wide Outcomes and Goals To facilitate life-long learning goals of adult learners To provide an opportunity for adult learners to develop further knowledge in an organized leadership oriented core area To provide an opportunity for adult learners to develop further knowledge in a specific area of specialization To provide an avenue of higher education that meets the needs of adult learners for personal enrichment and/or professional advancement To provide adult learners with educational mobility options in a world where career changes are increasing To provide flexible curriculum designed for working adult students that maximizes the application of credit for prior learning relevant to the degree plan To contribute to the economic development goals of the state of Oklahoma through providing a relevant degree option for working adults to earn a baccalaureate degree Fall 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011
Alignment of Outcomes Mission Statement: Cameron University Cameron University provides a diverse and dynamic student body access to quality educational opportunities; fosters a student-centered academic environment that combines innovative classroom teaching with experiential learning; prepares students for professional success, responsible citizenship, life-long learning, and meaningful contributions to a rapidly changing world; and is a driving force in the cultural life and economic development of the region. Program Alignment to University Mission Statement Available to non-traditional, adult learners (diversity) Innovative program designed to meet goals of adult, lifelong learners Brain Gain 2010 goal – increase in graduates enhances economic development of the state Fall 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011
Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 Alignment of Outcomes Mission Statement: ACE ACE will provide quality services to meet the academic and regional community needs for Cameron University constituents by: Providing quality advisement for students in Allied Health and Interdisciplinary Studies Providing support services to academic schools to strengthen higher education programs delivered in the region Increasing awareness of health care professions and support of learning opportunities for regional health care providers Program Alignment to Department Mission Each student is advised by the ORGL Coordinator, a program expert dedicated to advisement in the ORGL program The ORGL Coordinator works with academic schools to schedule courses and support faculty academic delivery needs to improve learning Fall 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010
Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 Alignment of Outcomes Relationship to Strategic Plan 2013 The program provides enhanced student learning and increases opportunities for educational advancement by bringing academic goals withing reach for adult learners (Goal 1 component) Creates specific targets for adult learners (Goal 1 component) Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 Revised August 2010
Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 Alignment of Outcomes Relationship to Strategic Plan 2013, cont. Student graduation rates helps meet target for retention and graduation rates. (Goal 1 component) Student enrollment and completion success promotes collaborative relationship with other institutions across the state (core value, Goal 4 component) Fall 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010
Measures of Learning Outcomes Breakdown - Measures of Learning Objectives Direct Measures Pre-post Exams Course Assignments Capstone Portfolio Review Performance Rating State-wide developed and validated examinations Benchmark against other programs in State Indirect Measures IDEA student reactions to instruction and courses Exit Interviews Student perceptions of learning (exit surveys) Retention Data Graduation Rates Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 Revised August 2010
Report on actions from the three previously chosen priority outcomes 10 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 Revised August 2010
Priority Outcomes/Objectives 2009-10 Students will demonstrate a general knowledge of the core content areas of the ORGL program (foundations of organizational leadership, professional communication, data analysis and interpretation, ethics and organizations, leading and managing, survey of fiscal management, and markets and stakeholders), as well as the abilities to apply, analyze, evaluate and create knowledge in real world situations. Students will demonstrate increased knowledge applicable to their personal enrichment and/or professional advancement Students will apply concepts and theories learned in the core content courses and area of focus to a capstone project in ORGL 4553 Fall 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010
Student-learning Outcomes and Measurements PROGRAM OUTCOME CURRICULUM AREA OR TARGET AUDIENCE MEASUREMENTS OF STUDENT LEARNING OR SERVICE OUTCOME Measurements Methods used to determine validity of measurement instruments Methods used to determine reliability of measurements Schedule for measurements 1. Students will demonstrate a general knowledge of the core content areas of the ORGL program (foundations of organizational leadership, professional communication, data analysis and interpretation, ethics and organizations, leading and managing, survey of fiscal management, and markets and stakeholders), ), as well as the abilities to apply, analyze, evaluate and create knowledge in real world situations Professional Communications ORGL 3223 Course Assignments (Direct) Criterion-referenced Intra-rater reliability Each time course is offered Survey of Fiscal Management ORGL 3443 Pre/Post Exams (Direct) Test-retest reliability Twice for each course Program Graduates Retention Data (Indirect) Graduation Rates (Indirect) Institutional Data Annually 12 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 Revised August 2010
Display of Assessment Data OUTCOME 1 Professional Communications ORGL 3223 Learning Objective 1: Students will identify communication concepts accurately on examinations and apply those concepts appropriately to interpersonal, intercultural, and public speaking contexts Poor Fair Adequate Good Superior Total number of Students 41 Eye Contact 3 5 23 10 Facial Expressions 6 20 15 Gestures (too many) 38 Posture Enthusiasm Vocalized pauses 28 Fall 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010
Display of Assessment Data Professional Communications ORGL 3223 – Outcome 1 Learning Objectives 2,3,4,6: 2. Students will participate in communication encounters and both prepare and deliver a minimum of one informative presentation. 3. Students will identify and integrate appropriate research into written and oral assignments. 4. Students will critically evaluate that interpersonal and presentational communications of others through oral comments, examinations, essays or written evaluation forms. 6. Students will apply appropriate techniques in effective written communication. Poor Fair Adequate Good Superior Total number of Students 41 Topic Announced 8 15 18 Time Frame 5 2 34 Visual Aid Criteria 3 20 10 Completeness of content Professionalism of Content 38 Fall 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010
Display of Assessment Data Outcome 1 Survey of Fiscal Management ORGL 3443 Pre-test/Post-test Percentage Improvement Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5 Module 6 Module 7 Fall 2009 Total number of Students 23 12 7 19 14 17 23 22 Summer 2010 Total number of Students 10 25 3 13 15 36 Fall 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010
Display of Assessment Data ORGL Enrollment at Cameron University by Semester Fall 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011
ORGL Graduates at State Level (8 School Consortium) by Semester Fall 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011
Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 Display of Assessment Data Fall 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010
ORGL Graduates at Cameron University by Semester * estimates based on most current data Fall 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011
Student-learning Outcomes and Measurements PROGRAM OUTCOME CURRICULUM AREA OR TARGET AUDIENCE MEASUREMENTS OF STUDENT LEARNING OR SERVICE OUTCOME Measurements Methods used to determine validity of measurement instruments Methods used to determine reliability of measurements Schedule for measurements 4. Students will demonstrate increased knowledge applicable to their personal enrichment and/or professional advancement Capstone ORGL 4553 Exam Questions Course Assignments Student Exit Surveys Capstone Project Norm-referenced Criterion-referenced Criterion- referenced Internal Consistency Inter-rater reliability Inter-rater reliability Multiple occasions in each semester Once each semester 20 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 Revised August 2010
Display of Assessment Data Outcome 4: Students will gain intellectual knowledge applicable to their personal enrichment and/or professional advancement Capstone ORGL 4553 Summary Assessment Results – Portfolio and Projects (multiple measures) Fall 2009 Total number of Students 7 Average Ratings 4.14 Spring 2010 Rating Scale: 1 – Poor 2 – Below Average 3 – Average 4 – Above Average 5 - Excellent Fall 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010
Student-learning Outcomes and Measurements PROGRAM OUTCOME CURRICULUM AREA OR TARGET AUDIENCE MEASUREMENTS OF STUDENT LEARNING OR SERVICE OUTCOME Measurements Methods used to determine validity of measurement instruments Methods used to determine reliability of measurements Schedule for measurements 5. Students will apply concepts and theories learned in the core content courses and area of focus to a capstone project in ORGL 4553 Capstone ORGL 4553 Exam Questions Course Assignments Student Exit Surveys Capstone Project Norm-referenced Criterion-referenced Criterion- referenced Internal Consistency Inter-rater reliability Inter-rater reliability Multiple occasions in each semester Once each semester 22 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 Revised August 2010
Display of Assessment Data Outcome 5: Students will apply concepts and theories learned in the core content courses and area of focus to a capstone project at the end of the program Capstone ORGL 4553 Summary Assessment Results – Portfolio and Projects (multiple measures) Fall 2009 Total number of Students 7 Average Ratings 4.71 Spring 2010 Rating Scale: 1 – Poor 2 – Below Average 3 – Average 4 – Above Average 5 - Excellent Fall 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010
2010-2011 Action Plan For Organizational Leadership Finalize Statewide Assessment Plan and incorporate results in CU assessment plan Conduct an employer survey. Conduct program wide graduating student surveys Develop second emphasis area by meetings with campus wide departments Develop PLA Portfolio Class at CU Offer online tutoring Improve assessment methods by including all faculty associated with core areas and focus areas Fall 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010
Action Plan for Student Learning Outcomes Assessment of Program Disseminate to program faculty all of the student learning outcomes that are to be measured for the BS ORGL program and work with them to ensure the outcomes are being measured in their respective courses, especially Foundations and Capstone classes Coordinate with faculty on a regular basis to ensure the above data is being gathered properly and consistently Compile data collected Efforts will continue toward improving the data collection of students- post graduation Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010
Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 End of Formal Report BACHELOR OF SCIENCE ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERSHIP *See Attached Supporting Information Fall 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010
Supporting Information Overview The B.S. in Organizational Leadership is offered via the Allied Health and Interdisciplinary Studies Program, a unit of the Department of Adult and Continuing Education. Also known as the “Adult Degree Completion Degree” or the “Reach Higher Program” – an initiative of the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education Delivered in collaboration with eight other participating institutions across the State of Oklahoma Combines past college work with a series of courses in online and evening formats to equal a bachelor's degree. In some cases, student's work and life experiences may count for college credit through prior learning assessment. Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 Revised August 2010
Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 Overview Continued Curriculum collaboratively developed by the faculty of the eight initial collaborating universities Admission Requirements: ≥ age 21 Completed at least 72 college credit hours 2.0 minimum graduation/retention GPA in past college course work. Have completed the general education requirements as defined by Cameron. Satisfy all Cameron University requirements for remedial coursework. Core Courses: Primarily business related CU Focus Area (major concentration): Communications Benefit: Cost of program is less (do not pay online fees) Accelerated because of availability of courses across state (each course offered 5 times per year) Each course is 8 weeks, many are online Fall 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010
Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Supporting Information Informal Feedback from Graduates: Observations Number of students is increasing due to word of mouth and marketing about program and benefits of obtaining bachelors degree If students do not meet minimum criteria for program, they are granted conditional admission and put on degree seeking track. This means that not all ORGL (775) students are taking ORGL classes yet. Fall 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011
Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 Supporting Information Informal Feedback from Graduates: Students graduating from the BS ORGl degree at Cameron report that their career/job options expand immediately upon graduation An estimated 33% of the students in the BS ORGL program at CU start out with more of an intrinsic motivation to “finish what they started” and have little interest in improving their current job status or earnings The remaining 67% state that their main motivation for retuning to school to complete their undergraduate degree is to improve their current socio-economic status for them and their family. Reports show that the majority graduates in this category end up accomplishing this goal and move on to better paying more professional positions within their current careers/companies or change career paths altogether because of their college grad status **Both of the above categories express a lack of concern for the actual degree type or major and more emphasis is put on just finishing “a degree” Fall 2009 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010