Revelation 13 – the two beasts Teaching the “whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27) Revelation 13 – the two beasts Please visit our website:
The first beast Then ‘He’ stood on the sand of the sea If true then ‘He’ must be Satan The sea is usually the sea of humanity 7 heads and ten horns with diadems crowns on the heads. Diadems indicates Kings Links to Daniel 7 beast Lion leopard Bear Bear Leopard Lion Dragon Dragon Rev 13 – there are 7 heads but 10 horns Daniel 7 – there are ten horns from the one kingdom V 20 – another horn (King) arose and subdued 3 (so 7 heads left)
The first beast Matt 24 v 24 and Mark 13 v 22 – Jesus warns against false Christs 2 Thessalonians 2 verses 3 and 4 describes this figure Daniel 7 verse 25 shows his intentions before time 1 John 2 verse 18 speaks of Anti (instead of) Christ 1 John 4 v 3 – how to recognise Antichrist and that his spirit is already in the world 2 John 1 v 7 – antichrist does not acknowledge that Jesus came in the flesh Also that we have had types in the past 1 John 2 verse 22 again defines antichrist Rev 13 v 5 – a great orator Daniel 7 v 24 – the more powerful king
The first beast Daniel 8 v 9 – 12 – the little horn emerges Daniel 11 v 36 – 45 speaks of his behaviour towards Revelation 7 v 7 – 14 A passage that identifies Antichrist’s place in history. At the end of 7 world empires 5 have fallen – Egypt,Assyria, Medo-Persia, Babylon,Greece, One is – Rome One is yet to come – the 7th, who is also an 8th but is one of the 7 10 kings who have not yet received a kingdom These receive power with the beast for one hour All have the same purpose – to war with The Lamb and The Saints
The first beast The latest King to emerge is the greatest and is victorious. Also blasphemous Speaking against God Similar to the Garden of Eden Also similar to the temptation in the wilderness Persecutes the saints Not the church – saints referred to in Old Testament and means ‘Believers’ Saints given into his hand – why? Intends to change times and laws – develops his own system of rituals and worship. Time is short – time, times and half a time (42 months)
The first beast Two beasts seem to divide into political and religious. Clearly the political regime had the ‘attributes’ of all those of its contemporaries. We see the first expressions of the counterfeit trinity Dragon, beast and false prophet As the father gives power to the son, so the beast empowers this figure. The beast is killed and there is a counterfeit resurrection Zechariah 11 v 15 - 17 – woe to the worthless (idol) shepherd – possibly referring to this person, describing a mortal wound that was healed. One of the consequences is worship of The Dragon – open Satanism And worshipped the beast A counterfeit perhaps of worship of The Father and The Son?
The first beast Clearly they marvel at The Beast Possibly he was seen as the one who was able to kill the two witnesses He performs miraculous signs He was resurrected He has military success Probably he has the answer, seemingly, to peace in the Middle-East Like The Dragon, he is allowed to continue 42-months He blasphemes: God’s name – God fulfils his word to honour His name God’s tabernacle – symbolises God’s covenant, so the blasphemy is to imply God is breaking covenant Those who dwell in heaven – unless the church is raptured, who are these
The first beast Clearly this is a world leader V 7 – every tribe, tongue and nation All authority was given to him over the saints He chose to exercise this authority by murdering them All those not written in the The Book of Life of The Lamb WILL worship him (The Beast) Some comfort in verse 9 and 10 He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity He who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword This seems to say that the saints need to be patient to see God’s justice unfold
Teaching the “whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27) Welcome to our service Please visit our website: