Department of Education School of Education and Behavioral Sciences Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 Department of Education School of Education and Behavioral Sciences M.S. in Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 Program Code: 670 The Mission of the educational leadership program at Cameron University is to create a community of lifelong learners and inquiring scholars, who are prepared school leaders serving the educational enterprise. Report on Academic Year 2009– 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University
Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 Program Outcomes Program Outcomes are the standards of the National Policy Board for the Educational Administration’s Leadership Constituent Council (ELCC) 1. Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a school vision of learning by the school community (Bloom’s Application and Analysis). 2. Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by promoting a positive school culture, providing and effective instructional program, applying best practice to student learning, and designing comprehensive performance growth plans for staff. 3. Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by managing the organization, operations, and resources in a way that promotes a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment. 4. Candidate who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by collaborating with families and other community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources (Bloom’s Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation). 5. Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by acting with integrity, fairly, and in an ethical manner 6. Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by understanding, responding to, and influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context. 7. Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who can apply content knowledge to practical, real-world circumstances by participating in authentic and sustained school activities being guided cooperatively by the institution and school district personnel (Bloom’s Application). Report on Academic Year 2009– 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University
The Cameron University Mission Statement Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 The Cameron University Mission Statement Cameron University provides a diverse and dynamic student body access to quality educational opportunities; fosters a student-centered academic environment that combines innovative classroom teaching with experiential learning; prepares students for professional success, responsible citizenship, life-long learning, and meaningful contributions to a rapidly changing world; and is a driving force in the cultural life and economic development of the region. Report on Academic Year 2009– 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University
Program Outcomes and the Cameron University Mission Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 Program Outcomes and the Cameron University Mission The Educational Leadership program seeks to align itself with the Cameron University Mission to provide “…innovative classroom teaching with experiential learning; prepares students for professional success…” through: Innovative classroom teaching, including a field experience component embedded in every candidate’s coursework; Coursework is offered in a variety of formats to include online, weekends, and face to face; Experiential learning occurs throughout the program with two semesters of internship with experienced educational leaders. Report on Academic Year 2009– 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University
The School of Education and Behavioral Sciences Mission Statement Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 The School of Education and Behavioral Sciences Mission Statement The mission of the School of Education and Behavioral Sciences at Cameron University is to provide a diverse and dynamic student body the opportunity to acquire a wide range of knowledge and skills so they can contribute to their professions and enrich their lives. Report on Academic Year 2009– 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University
Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 Program Outcomes and the School of Education and Behavioral Sciences Mission The Educational Leadership program seeks to align itself with the School of Education and Behavioral Science’s Mission to allow students to “contribute to their professions” and “enrich their lives” through: Many candidates are able to contribute to the profession through Internship work at their job site; they perform a variety of duties where schools often need additional help, such as school supervision and assistance with testing Candidates are able to enrich their lives by obtaining an advanced degree, with the large majority earning their principal’s licensure. Upon achieving this credential, candidates have many more opportunities to advance their careers. Report on Academic Year 2009– 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University
The Department of Education Mission Statement Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 The Department of Education Mission Statement The Department of Education believes that competent, caring, and committed educators are successful in their careers. Educators who are competent use pedagogical and content knowledge to support learning for all, provide instruction based on standards and student needs, and use assessment and strategies for active engagement so that all can learn. Educators who are caring are responsive to individual needs and create learning environments that promote positive social interactions and motivation. Educators who are committed collaborate with others by using effective communication skills while being reflective decision makers and lifelong learners who are willing to change in order to continuously improve. We believe that all of these qualities are fostered through standards-based coursework with coordinated field experiences. Report on Academic Year 2009– 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University
Program Outcomes and the Department of Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 Program Outcomes and the Department of Education Mission The Educational Leadership program seeks to model many facets of the Department of Education’s Mission to our candidates: Instruction is based on ELCC standards and student needs, such as test preparation for the Oklahoma Subject Area Test (OSAT) for principals Many assessments are based on real-world scenarios using real-world data to teach problem solving with collaborative teams and presentations, which promotes positive social interactions Many courses contain field placements so students apply what they are learning in the classroom to their work place Report on Academic Year 2009– 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University
Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 Plan 2013 The Educational Leadership program meets several of the goals outlined under “The University of Choice” category of Plan 2013. Below are examples of where this program meets that goal: Goal 1.1: We are meeting the needs of citizens in the region by offering this program in our community. Goal 1.2: We are enhancing student learning and increasing opportunities for educational advancement. Goal 1.3: We include experiential learning as a major component throughout the program. Goal 1.4: We maintain our accreditation status with NCATE and are in the process of becoming nationally recognized by the Educational Leadership Constituency Council (ELCC). Goal 1.13: We use an Advisory Committee of external constituents to make program recommendations and improvements. Report on Academic Year 2009-2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University
Measures of Learning and Service Outcomes Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 Measures of Learning and Service Outcomes Direct Measures Indirect Measures Content measured by appropriate OSAT Subarea Test Scores Supervising administrator evaluation of candidate's Internship Electronic portfolio of course assignments Internship Reflection Special projects involving School Improvement Plans EDUC 5233 Action research assignments EDUC 5833 Data from the post-graduate evaluation survey Class project assignments EDUC 5243 ELCC Vision and Culture project assignments EDUC 5213 Report on Academic Year 2009– 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University
Funding for improved technology. Funding for new proposed course. Action Plan Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 Outcome Action Time Line Resources Status Program Outcome 1 Content alignment between ELCC Standards, OSAT, and EDUC 5213 School Culture Current research relevant to the OSAT test areas presented in EDUC 5213, School Culture OSAT review seminar OSAT Advisement Fall 2008 – Summer 2010 None Examined Fall 2009 Implemented Fall 2009 OSAT Workshop presented Spring 2010 Presented in 5100 Graduate Seminar Program Outcome 4 Content alignment between ELCC Standards, OSAT, and EDUC 5243, Community and School Relations Increase use of current related research and public school and community professionals as guest speakers to increase candidate awareness of real-world applications of Standard 4. Spring 2008 – Summer 2010 NONE Examined Spring 2010 Completed Spring 2010 Program Outcome 7 Content alignment between ELCC Standards, OSAT, and EDUC 5283, Internship in School Administration Examine courses in which failed sub-elements are taught and emphasize that sub-element Develop a technology course for this program that would address sub-elements 2.2c and 3.3c. A research and technology course has been proposed and accepted for Summer 2010 to improve candidate leadership vision and decision making skills. Funding for improved technology. Funding for new proposed course. Spring 2010 Fall 2009 Completed summer 2010 Report on Academic Year 2009-2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University
Student-learning or service outcome and measurements Outcome 4 Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 Student-learning or service outcome and measurements Outcome 4 PROGRAM OUTCOME CURRICULUM AREA OR TARGET AUDIENCE MEASUREMENTS OF STUDENT LEARNING OR SERVICE OUTCOME Measurements Methods used to determine validity of measurement instruments Methods used to determine reliability of measurements Schedule for measurements Outcome 4 OSAT Scores Internship Supervisor Evaluation Post Graduate Exit Survey Internship Reflection Test Scores (direct) Supervisor generated (indirect) Student generated (direct) Instructor assessment (indirect) Norm-referenced Face validity based on national standards Aligned with SPA standards Face validity based on SPA standards Inter-rater reliability Internal Consistency Reliability Each Semester Annually Page 7 This chart is the first component in the reporting sequence and should be used to provide information for each student-learning or service outcome. Please contact the Director of IRAA if you are unsure about classification of measurements as direct or indirect or issues concerning reliability and validity. 12 Report on Academic Year 2009– 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University Revised August 2010
Discussion of Program Outcome 4 Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by collaborating with families and other community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources. Data for Outcome 4 is generated through the student e-portfolio assessments via a rubric using Bloom’s higher order thinking skills and aligned with ELCC standards. Student artifacts are scored on a rubric which includes a “Does Not Meet,” “Meets,” or “Exceeds” scale, which is based on each sub-element of the standard. Meeting the sub-element of the standard is defined as completing the activity in the “Meets” column of the rubric. Report on Academic Year 2009-2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University
Assessment 1—Standard 4 OSAT Subtest Scores Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 Assessment 1—Standard 4 OSAT Subtest Scores Scores for OSAT Subtests 1—School Vision and Leadership Competencies—indirectly reflect components of MSEL Standard 4. These two competencies out of 13 are: Competency 003.—Understand how to promote community collaboration and involvement in supporting the school vision of learning; and Competency 004.—Understand the significance of diversity for the school’s vision of learning and ways to exercise leadership in supporting and valuing diversity. Report on Academic Year 2009– 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University
Assessment 1—Standard 4 OSAT Scores on Subtest 1 Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 Assessment 1—Standard 4 OSAT Scores on Subtest 1 Factor AY 08-09 AY 09-10 CU State No. of Tests 27 1151 18 1177 Mean Score 243.9 246.7 228.2 244.2 No. Passed 13 870* 4 939* Number Failed 14 281* 238* Pass Rate 48.1% 75.6%* 22%** 79.8%* *State-wide subtest pass-fail numbers and rates are not published. These are overall test pass rates. **The Cameron overall compete-test pass rate for the 09-10 test administrations is 39%. Figures are not adjusted for duplicate failures. Report on Academic Year 2009– 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University
Assessment 4—Standard4 Internship Supervisor Evaluation Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 Assessment 4—Standard4 Internship Supervisor Evaluation 1 – Fails to Meet Expectation 3 – Meets Expectation 5 – Exceeds Expectation AY 08-09 (SP09 Only)* AY 09-10 1 3 5 Mean 4.1 Collaborates with Families and other Community Members O 0% 9 100% 5.00 12 24% 37 76% 4.51 4.2 Responds to Community Interests and Needs 8 10 20% 40 80% 4.69 4.3 Mobilizes Community Resources 11% 89% 4.78 11 22% 39 78% 4.65 *Instrument was completely redesigned following FA09 assessment Report on Academic Year 2009– 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University
Assessment 5—Standard 4 Data from Post-Graduate Survey Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 Assessment 5—Standard 4 Data from Post-Graduate Survey 1 – Low degree, quality, or extent 2– Some degree, quality, or extent 3 – Average degree, quality, or extent 4 – Moderate degree, quality, or extent 5 – High degree, quality, or extent AY 08-09 AY 09-10 1 2 3 4 5 Item 8 Considers community context in instruction 0% 11% 56% 33% 17% 50% Item 14 Dispositions in working with students, families, communities 22% 44% Item 30 Interaction with diverse faculty 83% Item 31 Interaction with diverse (ethnic, racial, gender) candidates
Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 AY 08-09 AY 09-10 1 2 3 4 5 Item 32 Provided opportunities to work in diverse settings for field experiences. 11% 22% 44% 0% 33% 17% 50% Item 35 Understand the importance of diversity. 67% Item 36 Develop/teach lessons that incorporate diversity 83% Item 37 Develop a classroom/school climate that values diversity. Item 39 Adapt instruction for student differences (learning, ethnic differences, etc) Report on Academic Year 2009– 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University
Assessment 7 – Standard 4 MSEL Internship Reflection Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 Assessment 7 – Standard 4 MSEL Internship Reflection Criterion AY 08-09 AY 09-10 1 3 5 Mean Conceptual Framework 0% 11 69% 31% 3.63 12 80% 20% 3.40 Growth in Standard 9 56% 7 44% 3.88 Acquired Knowledge 60% 6 40% 3.80 Potential Schl Administrator 4.13 33% 10 67% 4.33 Knowledge use in Future 8 50% 4.00 73% 4 27% 3.53 Grammar 53% 47% 3.93 Spelling Punctuation Report on Academic Year 2009– 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University
Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 Analysis of Data First Assessment – OSAT: Data is not perfectly aligned, but indirect measurement indicates the need for additional reinforcement in the areas of Standard 4 Second Assessment – Supervising Administrator at Internship: Data is consistent and does not indicate areas of weakness. Report on Academic Year 2009– 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University
Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 Analysis of Data Third Assessment – Post Graduate Survey: Data indicates consistent adequacy in areas measured. Fourth Assessment – Internship Reflections: Scores are consistently high and do not reveal areas in need of improvement. Report on Academic Year 2009– 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University
Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 Plan of Improvement Assessment 1 (OSAT Test Scores) reflects a need for an examination of course content consistent with the competencies found in the four State OSAT tests. During the 2010-11 academic year, greater emphasis in the School Culture course and other affected courses will be placed on creating experiences in the low-scoring competencies. Report on Academic Year 2009– 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University
Plan of Improvement (cont) Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 Plan of Improvement (cont) A minimum of one hour of course time in each MSEL course will be dedicated to detailed examination of the OCTP study guides in these four certification areas. We will investigate the use of ETS testing and test-prep program PRAXIS used by 49 states to certify Educational Leadership candidates. Report on Academic Year 2009– 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University
Plan of Improvement (cont) Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 Plan of Improvement (cont) We will consult with other MSEL Oklahoma University preparation program representatives at the annual OACTE Conference in order to discover and implement additional test preparation strategies. End of Standard 4 Report on Academic Year 2009– 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University
Student-learning or service outcome and measurements Outcome 6 Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 Student-learning or service outcome and measurements Outcome 6 PROGRAM OUTCOME CURRICULUM AREA OR TARGET AUDIENCE MEASUREMENTS OF STUDENT LEARNING OR SERVICE OUTCOME Measurements Methods used to determine validity of measurement instruments Methods used to determine reliability of measurements Schedule for measurements Outcome 6 Supervising Administrator Evaluation EDUC 5833 Action Research portfolio data Class project assignments Community and School Relations assignment EDUC 5243 Mentor generated assessment (indirect) Student Generated assessed projects (direct) Face validity based on SPA standards Internal Consistency Reliability Inter-rater reliability Each Semester Summer Semester Spring Semester Page 7 This chart is the first component in the reporting sequence and should be used to provide information for each student-learning or service outcome. Please contact the Director of IRAA if you are unsure about classification of measurements as direct or indirect or issues concerning reliability and validity. 25 Report on Academic Year 2009– 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University Revised August 2010
Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 Discussion of Outcome 6 Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by understanding, responding to, and influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context. Data for Outcome 6 is generated through the student e-portfolio assessments via a rubric using Bloom’s higher order thinking skills and aligned with ELCC standards. Student artifacts are scored on a rubric which includes a “Does Not Meet,” “Meets,” or “Exceeds” scale, which is based on each sub-element of the standard. Meeting the sub-element of the standard is defined as completing the activity in the “Meets” column of the rubric. Report on Academic Year 2009– 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University
MSEL Assessment 6 Supervising Administrator Evaluation Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 MSEL Assessment 6 Supervising Administrator Evaluation Standard 6.0--Candidates influence the larger political, social, economic, legal and cultural context. (Scoring scale is 1, 3, 5 with N=13) 6.1 Understand the larger context 4.36 6.2 Respond to the larger context 4.43 6.3 Influence the larger context 4.52 2009-2010 Academic year Report on Academic Year 2009– 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University
Assessment 6 Supervising Administrator Evaluation Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 Assessment 6 Supervising Administrator Evaluation 1 – Fails to Meet Expectation 3 – Meets Expectation 5 – Exceeds Expectation AY 09-10 1 3 5 Mean 6.1 Understand the larger context 0% 4 30% 9 70% 4.36 6.2 Respond to the larger context 23% 10 77% 4.43 6.3 Influence the larger context 4.52 Report on Academic Year 2009– 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University
Trend Data for Supervision Administrator Evaluation Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 Trend Data for Supervision Administrator Evaluation N=14 N=9 N=13 N=14 N=9 N=13 N=14 N=9 N=13 Report on Academic Year 2009– 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University
MSEL Assessment 6 Research assignment EDUC 5833 portfolio data Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 MSEL Assessment 6 Research assignment EDUC 5833 portfolio data Standard 6.0--Candidates influence the larger political, social, economic, legal and cultural context. (Scoring scale is 1, 3, 5 with N=15) 6.1 Understand the larger context 4.7 2009-2010 Academic Year Report on Academic Year 2009– 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University
Assessment 6 Research Assignment EDUC 5833 Portfolio Data Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 Assessment 6 Research Assignment EDUC 5833 Portfolio Data 1 – Fails to Meet Expectation 3 – Meets Expectation 5 – Exceeds Expectation AY 09-10 1 3 5 Mean 6.1 Understand the larger context 0% 20% 12 80% 4.7 Report on Academic Year 2009– 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University
Trend Data for Action Research Assignment Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 Trend Data for Action Research Assignment N=3 N=5 N=15 Report on Academic Year 2009– 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University
(Scoring scale is 1, 3, 5 with N=28) Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 MSEL Assessment 6 Class project assignments Community and School Relations assignment EDUC 5243 Standard 6.0--Candidates influence the larger political, social, economic, legal and cultural context. (Scoring scale is 1, 3, 5 with N=28) 6.1 Understand the larger context 4.40 6.2 Respond to the larger context 4.70 2009-2010 Academic Year Report on Academic Year 2009– 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University
Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 Assessment 6 Class project assignments Community and School Relations assignment EDUC 5243 1 – Fails to Meet Expectation 3 – Meets Expectation 5 – Exceeds Expectation AY 09-10 1 3 5 Mean 6.1 Understand the larger context 0% 8 40% 20 60% 4.4 6.2 Respond to the larger context 4 14% 24 86% 4.7 Report on Academic Year 2009– 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University
Trend Data for Community and School Relations Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 Trend Data for Community and School Relations N=36 N=6 N=28 N=36 N=6 N=28 Report on Academic Year 2009– 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University
Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 Analysis of Data Student’s completing the MSEL have been required to take the M.Ed. “Introduction to Graduate Research” EDUC 5103. However, the EDUC 5103 “Graduate Research Assignment” rubric does not adequately align with the ELCC Standards. Report on Academic Year 2009– 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University
Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 Analysis of Data While MSEL students are meeting and exceeding in the majority of elements Standard 6, there are critical MSEL elements missing from the EDUC 5103 Introduction to Graduate Research rubric. While these critical elements are contained within other rubrics for the MSEL program, they are not adequately met when applied to the assessment 6 Rubric. Report on Academic Year 2009– 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University
Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 Analysis of Data An new course was written, EDUC 5833 “Research and Technology for School Leaders” in 2008, and first taught as a Special Studies course in the summer of 2010. Students were scored on the MSEL Assessment 6 rubric with 3.88 as an overall score and 4.7 on the critical elements of Standard 6. Report on Academic Year 2009– 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University
Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 Action Plan EDUC 5833 “Research and Technology for School Leaders” in 2008, should be formalized and placed in the MSEL plan of study. The rubric for assessment 6 used in the course should be reviewed to ensure continued alignment to ELCC standard 6 elements. The course assignment will be reviewed by the MSEL committee to insure continued alignment with ELCC standards. End of Standard 6 Report on Academic Year 2009– 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University
Student-learning or service outcome and measurements Outcome 7 Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 Student-learning or service outcome and measurements Outcome 7 PROGRAM OUTCOME CURRICULUM AREA OR TARGET AUDIENCE MEASUREMENTS OF STUDENT LEARNING OR SERVICE OUTCOME Measurements Methods used to determine validity of measurement instruments Methods used to determine reliability of measurements Schedule for measurements Outcome 7 Internship Supervisor Evaluation Post Graduate Exit Survey Supervisor generated (indirect) Student generated (direct) Face validity based on national standards Aligned with SPA standards Internal Consistency Reliability Each Semester Annually Page 7 This chart is the first component in the reporting sequence and should be used to provide information for each student-learning or service outcome. Please contact the Director of IRAA if you are unsure about classification of measurements as direct or indirect or issues concerning reliability and validity. 40 Report on Academic Year 2009– 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University Revised August 2010
Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 Discussion of Outcome 7 Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who can apply content knowledge to practical, real-world circumstances by participating in authentic and sustained school activities being guided cooperatively by the institution and school district personnel. The Educational Leadership Internship Evaluation was designed by the Educational Leadership Advisory Committee as a performance evaluation assessment tool for site supervisors to measure our Educational Leadership candidates. The Educational Leadership Internship Evaluation was written to address all of the program outcomes and ELCC Standards 1 through 6. The Educational Leadership Internship Evaluation is completed by the candidate’s site supervisor at the end of the first and second semester of the candidate’s internship. The Educational Leadership Internship Evaluation is a Likert-scale evaluation instrument that allows the site supervisor to assess the candidate’s performance on the program standards. Candidate’s successfully met the outcomes of 3 or higher on 80% of all sub-elements. Report on Academic Year 2009– 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University
Site Supervisor Evaluation Data for Academic Year 2009-2010 Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 Site Supervisor Evaluation Data for Academic Year 2009-2010 Standard 1 - Mean scores for academic year 2009-2010: N=19; 3.95 Standard 2 - Mean scores for academic year 2009-2010: N=22; 4.01 Standard 3 - Mean scores for academic year 2009-2010: N=19; 3.52 Standard 4 - Mean scores for academic year 2009-2010: N=15; 4.16 Standard 5 - Mean scores for academic year 2009-2010: N=14; 3.81 Standard 6 - Mean scores for academic year 2009-2010: N=13; 3.63 All scores reported for academic school year are very near the 4 Strongly Agree which is indicative of the performance of each candidate in the “theory to practice” aspect of the MSEL program. Report on Academic Year 2009– 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University
Site Supervisor Evaluation Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 Site Supervisor Evaluation Trend Data Report on Academic Year 2009– 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University
For Field Experience and/or Clinical Practice Trend Data Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 Exit Survey For Field Experience and/or Clinical Practice Trend Data Report on Academic Year 2009– 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University
Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 Action Plan The Educational Leadership Advisory Committee will review and address the content alignment between ELCC Standard 7 and EDUC 5283, Internship in School Administration, to ensure that candidates are being well prepared to meet Program Outcome 7. We will examine the courses in which the failed sub-elements are initially taught and emphasize that sub-element in the course level. Ask site supervisors to provide specific examples where candidates do not meet standards that will allow the advisory committee to further address content to improve candidate outcomes. Will include constructed responses in each MSEL class to better prepare candidates for the OSAT. Report on Academic Year 2009– 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University
Published Information on Graduates Program Name: M.S. Educational Leadership CIP Code: 130401 Published Information on Graduates Academic Year 09-10 Entered Graduate School Working In Discipline Other Summer 2009 5 5 Fall 2009 2 2 Spring 2010 Total 9 9 Page 12 Information from our graduates can be a rich source of data for purposes of improving student learning and services, as well as demonstrating Institutional accountability through their successes. Report on Academic Year 2009– 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University Revised August 2010