Interim Assessments: Do you know what you are buying and why Interim Assessments: Do you know what you are buying and why? Stanley Rabinowitz, Ph.D. WestEd Imagine: Mathematics Assessment for Learning A Convening of Practitioners and Partners July 21, 2009
Key Questions What are the various definitions of formative assessment? Where do interim assessments fall on the continuum of formative assessments? What criteria should be examined to evaluator and/or select an interim assessment system? What supports are needed to successfully implement a formative assessment system?
Definitions of Formative Assessment Curriculum Embedded Diagnostic Interim (benchmark, periodic) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Summative Accountability High stakes
Publisher: Product Name Formative, Benchmark, and/or Interim Assessment Systems: Review Criteria (Framework) Publisher: Product Name Product Purpose Product Components Content Areas Item Type Grades Targeted Populations # Of States and/or Districts Using the Product Cost
Action Learning Systems: Benchmark Exams Formative, Benchmark, and/or Interim Assessment Systems: Review Criteria (Framework) Product Review Action Learning Systems: Benchmark Exams Potential Strengths Research and Development: Alignment: Bias and Sensitivity Review: Test Administration: Scoring/Reporting/Analysis/Student Score Banking: Overall Reporting Usability: Customization Features: Professional Development and Instructional Support: Technology and Infrastructure (requirements, security and support): Overall Product Usability and Effectiveness: Potential Cautions or Limitations Scoring/Reporting/Analysis/Student Score Banking: N/A N/A
Formative, Benchmark, and/or Interim Assessment Systems: Review Criteria (Framework) Citation Guide p = Publisher wested = Wested data/research perie = Perie, Marion and Gong, A Framework for Considering Interim Assessments References
Supports for Interim Assessments Careful attention to the goals of the formative assessment system, focusing on what outcomes are reasonable and which are not; Development/selection of formative tasks that provided multiple entry points for students of varying achievement levels; Development/selection of support materials (e.g., instructional guides, scoring rubrics) to support teachers; Up-front training of teachers and administrators; Availability of expert coaches to support teachers at critical stages of implementation; Ongoing evaluation of usage and effectiveness.