National Chemistry Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Activity Chemistry Club - Making Lava Lamps Jelly and Ice Cream Chemistry Club - Making Slime The Chemistry of Curry Chemistry Club - Fire Writing Book Club - The Explosive Adventures of an Element Hunter Time Lunchtime Room FA6 Hall FA2 Food Tech Library
National Chemistry Week Week Long Activities Chemistry Joke Competition Can you come up with the best chemistry joke? Post your attempt in the box outside the Prep Room (FA3) with your name and form on the back to be in with a chance of winning a prize! **House Competition** Find the Scientist Around the school there are some 'hidden' scientists. Collect a sheet from FA2 and hand in to Miss Hirst in FA2, a winner will be picked from all correct entries to win house points! So don't forget your name and form on your entry. Element Hunter Read the exciting book 'The Explosive Adventures of an Element Hunter' with Mrs Watson in the library on Friday - you might even get chance to hunt some elements yourself in orienteering lessons in PE!
Chemistry Club - Making Lava Lamps Monday Chemistry Club - Making Lava Lamps Lunchtime FA6 Come along to FA6 to make LAVA LAMPS! See the chemistry behind the amazing moving lava lamps and learn about what makes them work their magic.
Jelly and Ice Cream Tuesday Jelly and Ice Cream Lunchtime Hall Learn about the amazing chemistry that goes into making ice cream – you can even make some yourself! 50p a ticket (pay on the door) and you can have some jelly and your own home made ice cream too!
Chemistry Club - Making Slime Wednesday Chemistry Club - Making Slime Lunchtime FA2 Slime is a fantastic chemical – you can even make it magnetic! Why not come along to FA2 and have a go yourself?
Making Slime Thursday The Chemistry of Curry Lunchtime Food Tech The spices in curries have some amazing chemistry behind them. Come along to GA7 and try a curry whilst learning about what makes it! 50p in (includes curry)
Making Slime Fire writing – need we say more? Friday Chemistry Club - Fire Writing Book Club - The Explosive Adventures of an Element Hunter Lunchtime FA2 Library Fire writing – need we say more? An amazing book all about an element hunter – come along to the library to read more.