Territorial Tools and Structures for the post-2020 Introduction
Definition TOOLS PROPOSED BY THE LEGISLATOR the tools that could improve the regional development and the territorial dimension in mainstream programmes and in the ETC world CLLD – Community Led Local Development ITI – Integrated Territorial Investment JAP – Joint Action Plan (EGTC – European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation) SPF – Small Project Fund, as a way to implement smaller actions was numerous times implemented sucessfully although not proposed by legislator. May be some new ones?
Who is already using them? Very few Among all Interreg programmes, we can count: only one programme (Italy-Austria) who took up the CLLD approach and only one (Italy-Slovenia) who decided to implement an ITI no example of JAP implementation currently.
What exactly is the reason for this? KNOWLEDGE / TRUST / FINANCES / CAPACITY / SIMPLIFICATION Time-wise consuming and different approach between mainstream and ETC programming exercise Low level of knowledge about these tools in different programming groups during programming exercise Financial capacity of non-governmental actors in programming exercise Lack of trust of the managing authorities towards the territorial players and the perceived threats (if certain functions are delegated to territorial players (including EGTCs)) and financial responsibilities for these tools were too risky and of difficult implementation in an Interreg context Part of the legislation providing specific rules for the implementation, monitoring, financial controlling, and auditing did not show a sufficient level of simplification for the ETC world.
My colleagues will show you two daring examples of ITI and CLLD in Interreg context. Thank you!