Drama Aims: Having fun with drama and making you into the next great playwright of our time. Creating a huge book full of your own awesome plays which will sell one day for millions of euro.
You need A notes copy An exercise copy A folder for sheets Pen/pencil Colours Highlighters
Our routine is as follows: Heading and objectives Warm-up Notes Activity (reading or writing plays) Exercises and cool-down Homework.
Learning Objectives Today Drama 1 Date: Introduction Learning Objectives Today To examine what drama is. To read and perform a play. To get to know each other better.
Warm-ups get our brains going. Exercise copy In two to three sentences, write down what you think drama is? Are there rules?
Notes – notes copy Drama: A piece of writing that tells a story and that is performed by actors. Actor: One who represents a character in a performance. (Important thought: Actors have to make sure a person in the back row or who is far away can still hear them so let’s practice shouting.)
One at a time: Shout this line.
Our first play - Audition The teacher shall read the directions (bracketed words). These words suggest how to say the next lines. For example: (emphatically) means uncaring, not bothered, mean. (Simon Cowell) Other examples are (bored) (excited) (panicking). Feel free to say the lines however you feel comfortable though.
For the most entertaining result the class is going to silently read the story to themselves, then search for volunteers to act it aloud. When you are done reading it, write a short note describing what you think about the play.
Our first play - Audition Cast – we need volunteers to play: A female director (who acts like Simon Cowell). She will sit like a queen, in a position of power. A timid, shy, nervous actress. She will have to jump up and down. A confident actor. He will have to look cool. If you can get highlighters or a coloured pen or pencil, it is a really good idea to highlight your own lines
Cool-down questions – exercise copy Finish for homework As if you were speaking to a friend or relative, describe what happened in today’s play. There are three characters in the play. What do they each want? Are there lessons to be learned from the characters actions?
Learning Objectives Today Drama 2 Date: Plot and theme Learning Objectives Today To examine what plots and themes are. To create a play.
Warm-ups get our brains going. Exercise copy While we talk about the homework questions, complete the task on the next slide.
I see, I think, I wonder – one sentence beginning with each please.
Notes – notes copy Plot: The main events or plan of a story. A longer story may contain several sub-plots as well. Theme: The idea, topic or hidden message of a work. (Important thought: In other words, the plot is what happens and the theme is what it means. We can argue what the theme is but not what the plot is.)
Easiest way to create a play – copy a play. You are seeking to re-create ‘Audition’ while making minor changes to make it your own. You are looking to use the same page layout, the same plot, theme and number of characters. You are NOT looking to copy the same words they used. Use the homework questions to answer what your play should be about.
Rules if working in groups: The actor for each part should have first and final say on what lines they shall be saying. Points can be made and argued for, but never forced on the actor. Your play will only be better than this one if it is really yours and you all enjoy it. Title - Actors – Location- Dialogue- (Name:) Problem about an audition. Actor 2 coming to the rescue.
Homework Read the next play - #6 Bullies Cast: Stryk, Kuff, Grynd, Boot. Think about what actions the characters are performing while they talk. (Remember: when the homework is ‘reading’, questions may be asked of students the moment they come in the door so both read and remember.)