Bell Work 2/6/2014 O Good morning! O Pick up your group folder O Get in your film groups & take out your storyboards O Start working on your storyboards at a low voice level– thank you!
Agenda O Storyboards – due today(by the end of class) O Filming O Expectations O Camera and tripods O Questions? O Art Gala tomorrow in the commons 6-7:30 O Art work, music, dance performances, and films! After that the play!(extra credit for attending)
Filming! O The Nos O No filming in the gym O No filming in the E Hall O You cant film people that are not in your group O No filming classes in session! O No leaving people in your group O The Yess O You can film all over campus(except those places)! O You can take as many shots as you need to in order to make your film look right O You can change your storyline O You can work with your group O You can have fun!
When You Are Filming… O Keep track of your time O Focus on filming O Make sure you can be found & make sure you are actively working (if not no participation points) O Double check to make sure your camera is charged O You are responsible for all the equipment O Questions?
Storyboards O See outline of the rubric on white paper -> O A copy of the online rubric you will use to evaluate each other O Make sure to include: O Everything on the list to the left <- see list on whiteboard Questions?
Exit Pass 2/6/2014 O Turn in group: O Storyboards O Hall pass O Make sure its all in your folder! Thank you! O Filming for the next 3 classes!!! O Have a great weekend see you all on Tuesday!