Explain the causes of WWI in 1914 and the reasons for the initial World War I- -Lesson 2 Standards U.S. 26 Explain the causes of WWI in 1914 and the reasons for the initial declaration of U.S. neutrality. U.S. 27 Justify with supporting detail from text, the reasons for American entry into WWI, including the use of unrestricted submarine warfare by the Germans, the Zimmermann Note, the defense of democracy, and economic motivations.
Objectives TSW explain circumstances around the U.S. attempt at neutrality in WWI. TSW explain in detail events which forced the U.S. to enter WWI. TSW consider different points of view concerning U.S. involvement in WWI.
America Enters The War Pg. 291 Gary J.B. Jason Serena Devonte Grace Tyler Pierce Shontell Neutrality Gives Way To War Pg. 288-289 Justin Dakota Jessica Savannah David Novella Shakyla Britton Wilson Urges Neutrality Pg. 287 Ladarius Hunter Autumn Emma Jacqueline Kaytlan Allison Janie
Jigsaw Ladarius Hunter Autumn Emma Justin Dakota Jessica Savannah Gary J.B. Jason Serena Jacqueline Kaytlan Allison Janie David Novella Shakyla Britton Grace Devonte Tyler Pierce Shontell
Wilson Urges Neutrality **President Wilson encourage Americans to be “neutral in thought as well as action”. **At first Americans wanted nothing to do with the war. Eventually many found it difficult not to choose a side: -1/3 of Americans had a foreign born parent -British propaganda showed the Germans as warlike and vicious. -U.S. companies saw profits rise as demand for weapons and supplies rose in Europe.
**Many sided with the Allied: -shared cultural and historical ties as well as a language with Britain -France had sent aid during American Revolution. -Germany invaded tiny Belgium. **Some sided with the Central Powers: -Many Americans were descendants of Germans -Irish hated British so they hoped to see them lose war
Neutrality Gives Way to War **Wilson tried to keep the U.S. out of the war despite the continued requests by the British and the continued brutality of the Germans. British Blockades -Stopped all ships checking for contraband. -Went aboard American passenger ships -Opened mail -Blocked trade to enemy nations -Wilson is upset- -believes in freedom of the seas.
Submarine Warfare -Germany’s new weapon to fight the blockade is the U-boat. The Lusitania -British passenger ship hit by Germany torpedo -Sinks in 18 minutes -1,200 people die, 128 were Americans -was carrying contraband The Sussex -French ferry hit by German torpedo -Many Americans injured -U.S. threatens to break diplomatic ties with Germany
**Germany agrees to the Sussex Pledge -no merchant or passenger ship sunk without warning -passengers will be given time to exit ship -this seemed to settle problem temporarily. **Wilson runs for re-election with the slogan: “He kept us out of War” **By 1917, Wilson will be unable to avoid war.
**Germany did two things to pull the U.S. into the war Unrestricted submarine warfare would resume. The Zimmermann Note -Telegram sent from Germany to Mexico -Asked Mexico to declare war on U.S. if U.S. declared war on Germany -Promised Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona would be returned to Mexico at end of war. -Intercepted by British and shared with U.S. **Wilson asks Congress to declare war on Germany on April 2, 1917. Congress votes to grant his request for war 4 days later. (April 6, 1917)
Two Truths and a Lie: It was very difficult for Americans to stay neutral during the war because we were melting pot, a nation of immigrants. Some could not help but feel loyalty to their or their parents’ homelands. When the passenger ship, the Lusitania was sunk without warning by a German submarine, the U.S. knew it could no longer stay neutral and declared war on Germany. Because the British wanted help from the U.S., it bombarded Americans with propaganda to show the brutality of the Germans.