Freedom of Religion (Part 1) GOVT Notes 6-1
Religious Preference in the U.S.
“The freedom to move your arm ends where my nose begins” – John Stuart Mills
Rights and Liberties absolute rights – the right to do anything, no matter the consequence relative rights – individuals have rights to do as they please, as long as they do not interfere with rights of others John Stuart Mills arms swing your nose ending In U.S. we have relative rights
Rights and Liberties civil liberties – people’s freedom of thought and action What are the 5 freedoms protected by the 1st Amendment? Greatest challenge = deciding which rights to give up to join civilized society and which rights to keep Civil Rights = voting, equal protection Civil Liberties = 1st Amendment (freedom of expression)
When is religion mentioned in the U.S. Constitution? Flip to page 788 Flip to page 789 Let’s Discuss… Is the U.S. a Christian Nation?
Freedom of Religion NO religious test required for any U.S. office – Article VI (6) Video States that have religious qualifications written in their constitutions No religious requirement for any job in the federal govt EX: Post Master General can be Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Atheist, it doesn’t matter what religion they are or arent Can someone read what the 1st amendment says about religion…? Govt cant establish a state church like the Church of England…no Church of the United States of America, and Govt cant prevent people from worshipping as they see fit
Freedom of Religion 2. Establishment Clause “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion…” NO favoring one religion over another religion or no religion NO “official religion” of the U.S. No religious requirement for any job in the federal govt EX: Post Master General can be Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Atheist, it doesn’t matter what religion they are or arent Can someone read what the 1st amendment says about religion…? Govt cant establish a state church like the Church of England…no Church of the United States of America, and Govt cant prevent people from worshipping as they see fit
Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom – Thomas Jefferson …no man shall be forced to attend or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever… …nor shall he suffer on account of his religious opinions or belief…
Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom – Thomas Jefferson …all men shall be free to profess and maintain their opinion in matters of religion… …beliefs shall in no way diminish, enlarge, or affect their political duties
Freedom of Religion 3. Thomas Jefferson: “a wall of separation between church and state” - Do we have a complete separation of church and state in the U.S.? Wall of separation comes from letter written by Jefferson he takes this idea from Roger Williams Roger Williams from Rhode Island first mentions this…when leaving the Puritans to create a new colony in Rhode Island Q. George Washington took oath of office for President with his hands on what book? A. The Bible. Allegedly adlibbed the words so help me God. (Video) Prayer and Bible readings were standard part of school curriculum for much of U.S. History. (video) Cold War- struggle against Godless Communism. 1950s Eisenhower adopts “In God we Trust” as nations motto (video) “Under God” added to Pledge of Alliegance Religious presence in public cant be denied
Freedom of Religion 4. Examples of Non-Separation Coin: “In God we Trust” Pledge of Allegiance: “one nation under God” Supreme Court: “God save the United States and this honorable Court” Wall of separation comes from letter written by Jefferson he takes this idea from Roger Williams Roger Williams from Rhode Island first mentions this…when leaving the Puritans to create a new colony in Rhode Island Q. George Washington took oath of office for President with his hands on what book? A. The Bible. Allegedly adlibbed the words so help me God. (Video) Prayer and Bible readings were standard part of school curriculum for much of U.S. History. (video) Cold War- struggle against Godless Communism. 1950s Eisenhower adopts “In God we Trust” as nations motto (video) “Under God” added to Pledge of Alliegance Religious presence in public cant be denied
Can the state pay a priest to say a prayer at start of state legislature? March v. Chambers (1983) Congress/State Legislatures can begin with a prayer Legislators not susceptible to peer pressure Marsh v. Chambers - Prayer at beginning of Nebraska legislative session by chaplain chosen by state and paid w/ public funds Supreme Court upheld the chaplaincy practice
Freedom of Religion 5. Tax Exemption Does charging property tax harm a church? Does NOT taxing a church promote religion? 5. Tax Exemption Church owned property used for religious purposes is NOT taxed Marsh v. Chambers - Prayer at beginning of Nebraska legislative session by chaplain chosen by state and paid w/ public funds Supreme Court upheld the chaplaincy practice
Battle of School Prayer - Video