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By the end of this lesson, everybody will be able to Describe the Confederate position entering the American Civil War Analyse how the Confederate army might be considered politically and militarily strong/weak Evaluate how strong the Confederate army was, going into the Civil War
(politically and militarily) Confederate Position (politically and militarily) Jefferson Davis Jefferson Davis’s Cabinet the Confederate Congress Opposition: draft evaders(pp.122-3) civil liberties (p.116) voluntary associations military resources (balance of power sheet) Strength Weakness Done individually > get to do in tables > then as a class (have to agree/argue to a consensus) Also use Confederate states article
Work in teams to reproduce the diagram you are about to be shown. USA Army Structure Information chase Get notes on the problems in 1919 Germany and get students to reproduce the diagram. Give 2 mins to think of a strategy Work in teams to reproduce the diagram you are about to be shown.
MILITARY LEADERSHIP Jefferson Davis P.G.T. Beauregard ‘Stonewall’ Jackson’ Robert E. Lee Joseph Johnston Albert S. Johnston John B. Hood James Longstreet MILITARY LEADERSHIP
Make sure that you justify you opinion Using the information in the textbook, decide how far the following issues were a weakness to the Confederate army: State Rights Died of Democracy Rich Man was, poor mans fight Make sure that you justify you opinion WEAKNESS OF THE CONFEDERATE ARMY
Now sum it up in 1 word Now sum it up in 5 words Sum up the Confederate’s Military and Political position in one sentence
Rich man poor man Conscription & class conflict Hiring substitutes Exempting (managerial role 20+ slaves) Few shirked military duty in reality Become critical of planter led govt. Opposition not class based Regional perhaps (upland) Most commit until the end Only wavers when battered to submission
States Rights Need full cooperation of your states Central govt. to make most of resources Some states don’t want Richmond to have too much power Resist many of Davis’s efforts Governor Joseph Brown – not working for the common cause e.g. opposed conscription and exempted thousands from the draft by enrolling them into bogus state militia units Most do cooperate All 28 state governors were commited Impressed slaves and declared martial law
Died of Democracy? 1862 Davis (quote) Protecting individual rights seemed a main aim David Donald – cost them the war NOT convincing Idea that Davis could create a government that suppressed civil liberties and that it would have won if so is nonsense Davis was fighting for traditional American values 1862 Davis declares martial law Suspended the writ of habeas corpus so draft evaders are not apprehended NOT total freedom of speech Vigilantes destroy opposition papers
Washington DC Richmond