4.2(2) WIGOS Editorial Board (WEdB) 4.2 Review of key achievements of the ICG-WIGOS Task Teams 4.2(2) WIGOS Editorial Board (WEdB) ICG-WIGOS-7, Geneva, 15-17 January 2018 Russell Stringer Chair, WIGOS Editorial Board
Contents Introduction Before the November 2017 meeting of WEdB Since the November 2017 meeting of WEdB
Introduction This is a brief report, noting the opportunity for further discussion at agenda item 5.2(1). This report is structured around the Final Report of the meeting of WEdB held November 2017, as per the online agenda. We are a small team of 3 people (Russell Stringer, Jitze van der Meulen, Silvano Pecora) and rely heavily on the excellent support from the Secretariat to achieve effective collaboration across all components of WIGOS. The key goals for WEdB have included the initial Guide to WIGOS and subsequent updates, retiring the Manual on the GOS, and updates to the Manual on WIGOS. Also, there is an underlying desire to encourage communication and awareness across all components of WIGOS (that is, ALL WMO ongoing observing activities), noting there are many documents which provide regulations and guidance material.
Future programmatic structure (cont.)
Before the November 2017 meeting of WEdB WIGOS regulatory material had originally been developed during the WIGOS implementation phase and approved by Congress in 2015, Important steps for WIGOS regulatory material during the pre-operational phase include development of guidance material to assist Members to understand and comply with the WIGOS regulations, and transition of the remaining content from the Manual on the GOS (WMO-No. 544) into the Manual on WIGOS (WMO-No. 1160), At the first meeting WEdB-1, the initial version of the Guide to WIGOS (WMO- No. 1165) had been compiled, A significant element of the transition of the remaining content from the Manual on the GOS is to adopt the concept of the Regional Basic Observing network (RBON). The report of the RBON Workshop (May 2016) clarified the concept and identified three key benefits for Members, There are several ongoing areas of active development of new regulatory and guidance material including data partnerships, data quality monitoring, and terminology used to classify different types of marine stations/platforms.
Before the November 2017 meeting of WEdB (cont.) Also relevant: EC-69 adopted the updated Appendix 2.4 (on the WIGOS metadata standard) and the attachment to Appendix 2.4 and the updated Section 8 (on the GCW) of the Manual on the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WMO-No. 1160), with effect from 1 January 2018. The Council further decided that the attachment to Appendix 2.4 will be .. a stand-alone attachment in order to facilitate frequent updating of its technical content, and that the code tables … included in the Manual on Codes (WMO-No. 306). Closely related progress made in the CBS framework: New editions of the Manual and Guide on the GOS, including new material on Radar Wind Profilers, Weather Radars, Aircraft Based Observations, and a large slab of guidance on marine observations moved across.
November 2017 meeting of WEdB The session reviewed the draft updates for the Technical Regulations (WMO- No. 49), Volume I, PART I – WIGOS developed by WIGOS-PO. The reviewed version is available at: http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/WIGOS- WIS/meetings/WEdB-2/WEdB-2.html . This draft may be developed further after other WIGOS regulatory and guidance material is completed and reviewed. Extensive attention was paid to the draft RBON (Regional Basic Observing Network) provisions to add to the Manual on WIGOS. The general provisions were drafted drawing on the material from the May 2016 RBON Workshop. Further attention was given specifically to details on frequency of observations for the various observing systems and types of observation, and defining target and minimum requirements. Such details have been provided in the past in the Manual on the GOS for individual elements of the GOS; however it is more challenging to specify these details for a composite observing system drawing on all the elements. This work is continuing.
November 2017 meeting of WEdB (cont.) In reviewing the material in the Manual on the GOS to move to the Manual on WIGOS, a new more integrated approach was attempted across the many different station types. This was a complex and time consuming process which was only partly completed in the meeting. WEdB noted the importance of material from CIMO, both for updating the GOS material and introducing new regulations. It planned further interactions with relevant CIMO experts and Secretariat. The session was briefed on the latest development of the Guidance on WIGOS Data Partnerships, being developed by TT-WDP. The newest version should be provided to WEdB by the end of November for its review. The session was briefed on progress of the work of TT-WDQM which is not yet ready for review or to be referenced in detail in other WIGOS material. However it is likely to be ready in time for Congress in 2019 and hence should be referenced the greatest extent possible in other WIGOS regulatory and guidance material that is to be considered by Congress in 2019.
Since the November 2017 meeting of WEdB Weekly Webex sessions have been held and a further meeting will be held later this week. We have essentially completed our review of the fate of all the remaining material in the Manual on the GOS. We now have a very rough draft set of words in the Manual on WIGOS which need to be made more coherent and complete. This specifically includes all the material translated from the Manual on the GOS into chapter 5 of the Manual on WIGOS, and the provisions relating to RBON. We “parked” our review of the “Definitions” until the regulatory material was fully drafted and revealed which terms needed to be defined.
Thank you Merci