Mrs. Gainer Room 212
Experience of the Teacher 1.5 years of day-to-day substitute teaching 1 year long term substitute in kindergarten Half year long term substitute in first grade 1.5 years teaching 6th grade and middle school ESL 4th year teaching 5th grade! Masters Degree in Instructional Media & ESL certification
Absences Student needs a written excuse or doctor’s note when they return to school. On this, list reason absent and date of absence. Try to limit number of absences and early dismissals during the school day. Absences put your child behind academically. It’s IMPORTANT that they are here EVERY DAY!!
REMIND APP Sign up to receive messages via text by texting the words @cubsrock5 to the number 81010. If that doesn’t work text @cubsrock5 to the number 717-366-2468. To receive messages via email, send a blank email to This is a free and safe messaging tool for me to share important updates and reminders.
Homework Homework will be given most nights of the week. Homework is written on the board daily & students are EXPECTED to write their homework in their planners every day. If students have a late assignment, they will have their name written on the board until the assignment is turned in. HW notices sent home are expected to be sent back signed. Parental notes do not excuse child from work. Homework in 5th grade WILL BE harder than homework in 4th grade.
Book Orders Book order forms will be sent home with students each month. This is completely optional to do! To make ordering easier, you can order books online using our class code, which is listed on my classroom webpage and will be included with each book order.
Cooperative Learning Variety of teaching strategies Aimed to insure success for all Students will be in teams of two, three, four Important life skill Individually accountable – graded separately
What is RTI/Skill Groupings? RTI- Response to Intervention A way to intervene early and help children who are struggling while enriching those who are on or above grade level. Skills groups will meet 40 minutes – 1 hour per day. Your child may meet with their own teacher, another fifth grade teacher, or a specialist (ESL, Reading Specialist, etc.) Intensive instruction is done in a small group setting.
Assessment Grading – various methods: written tests, reports, anecdotal records, projects/activities Test dates are posted at least a week in advance to allow students time to study! Students are EXPECTED to study and practice at home! If students are not doing this, they will probably not get an A or a B on a test. Tests with a D or F will need be signed by a parent and returned the next day to school. Tests in 5th grade are HARDER than tests in 4th grade.
Grades Fifth grade concepts are more difficult, pacing is more brisk, and more homework is given. Expectations are higher in comparison to previous grade levels. A major goal of 5th grade is to prepare students for the transition to middle school. Achieving A’s and B’s is challenging and requires hard work and studying in school and at home.
Grades A’s and B’s indicate above average performance and C’s indicate average performance. In 5th grade typically only a small percentage of students earn Distinguished Honors (all A’s including special classes) or Honor Roll (all A’s and B’s including special classes) in comparison to their previous years. Normally, students do not earn A’s on tests without studying. Students will need to take initiative and responsibility for their academic success! I DO NOT offer extra credit to help raise grades!
Want to know your child’s grades? 1. See 2. Click on the Parent Tab 3. Home Access Center Login Students can check their grades here too. It is good to know where your student is at in school! Grades will be updated weekly! This is the ONLY way you will be receiving a report card. Printed report cards will not be handed out. You can look at this on your phone or any device that has internet capabilities. Technical difficulties can be directed to Mrs. Fuller in the office!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be looking at your student’s grades with your child!!! There is NEVER AN EXCUSE for not knowing how your child is performing in the classroom. Marking period grades SHOULD NOT be a surprise for anyone. You are an integral part of your child’s success. Please help hold them accountable for how they are being successful!
Rutherford Raves Rutherford Raves are building rewards given on a slip of paper and granted a prize, if chosen, from Mr. Doi. Raves are given to students if they are following the school rules!
Classroom Rules Be respectful Be responsible Be prepared Be safe Work hard!!
Rules/Consequences RESPECT…………RESPONSIBILITY Students will buy their way (using their Rutherford Raves) into the grade level monthly rewards Office referrals WILL BE GIVEN if a student is not following the school and classroom rules. 5 missed homework assignments = detention (in a marking period)
Supplies Needed For school: backpack pen/pencils For home: calculator (make sure your student is prepared every day for school!) For home: calculator (students cannot take the school calculator home) good study environment (Assignment books, folders, scissors, pencil box, markers, glue and calculators will be provided to the students to use.) STUDENTS DO NOT NEED A HUGE BINDER. PLEASE LEAVE BINDERS AT HOME!!!
Spelling Individual lists Spelling Contracts given on Monday and are due Friday. THESE NEED A PARENT SIGNATURE TO VERIFY THE STUDENT WAS SEEN DOING THE WORK! Spelling tests will always be at the end of the school week Students are expected to practice these words throughout the week. There is no reason why students should not do well on the spelling test!
Math We use the Go Math series. This is a rigorous program. If your student is not doing the homework, using the online resources and studying most nights they will not do well. The program uses various techniques to teach concepts Each student will have access to the online materials, so please use them at home! For each unit: there is a mid chapter quiz and a chapter test. There is also chapter review we do before the test. If the student is successful with the study guide they will be successful with the chapter test.
I AM HERE FOR YOU!!!! School number: 717-561-1990 x 212 School email: (best way to reach me if you want the fastest response) Teacher website: