Solar system by: ARCHIT gupta
Solar system Solar system is made of 8 planets and 4 dwarf planets. It is also made of 2 belts known as the Asteroid belt and the Kuiper belt objects. The asteroid belt separates the inner and outer planets. The Kuiper belt objects separates our galaxy from others. Eris is known as our galaxy's planet.
MERCURY In the day mercury’s temperature is 400o c In the night the temperature is -150o c because the atmosphere cant hold the heat in. Mercury’s surface is just like our moons surface Mercury has a very low surface gravity Mercury has no atmosphere so there is no wind or weather to speak of There is no water on the surface of mercury it is possible that there is water underneath. There is no air on the surface but could be underground.
Venus The atmosphere of Venus is mainly made of carbon dioxide Its size is slightly smaller than earth Its gravity is also similar to earths Venus has acid rain clouds The planet is 500o c The surface has stormy desserts craters and very active volcanos Venus has no liquid water
earth Earth is the only planet that supports life Earth has a lot of gravity Earth is the third planet from the sun Earth is the planet we live on
mars Mars is nicknamed the red planet Mars experiences major dust storms Mars holds the largest volcano in our solar system(21km 600km across) Like Venus mars atmosphere is made from carbon dioxide It is 25oc in the summer -150o c in winter
Jupiter Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system Thick colorful poisonous clouds surround Jupiter At the center there is a rocky core Jupiter has many storms Jupiter has a strong magnetic field Surrounding the core is an ocean of liquid nitrogen(about 1,000 k deep)
Saturn Saturn is the second largest planet Saturn has a small rocky core covered with liquid gases It is surrounded by rings that stretch out thousands of kilometers The rings are made of ice crystals Saturn is light it is made up of helium Storm winds race 800kmp/h
Uranus Uranus spins lying on its side Uranus is the first planet discovered by telescope Uranus takes 84 earth years to go around the sun 42 ours of daylight and 42 years of darkness Uranus is made up of 2 gases methane and hydrogen Scientist think there is water on the surface
Neptune Neptune is 4 times bigger than earth Neptune experiences harsh storms Storms have been spotted on its surface with harsh winds Is a water planet with a blue hydrogen-methane atmosphere and faint rings Neptune is covered in wispy white clouds that cover the surface
Pluto(dwarf planet) Pluto is the smallest planet Pluto’s orbit crosses into Neptune’s orbit In 2006 Pluto became a dwarf planet The temperature is from -235oc to -210oc Pluto consists of rock and very thick ice The atmosphere is made of nitrogen with carbon monoxide and methane
Eris Eris has one moon named dysonomia Eris is the farthest dwarf planet from the sun It is also the largest dwarf planet This planet is outside Kuiper belt objects It is in a region called the scattered disk
The solar system Inner Planets Outer Planets Scattered Disk Dwarf Planets Mercury Jupiter Eris Pluto Venus Saturn Ceres Earth Uranus Makemake Mars Neptune Eris (also)