Goal: To understand the possibilities of there being life in our solar system other than on Earth and Mars. Objectives: To examine where in the solar system we find the building blocks of life
Where can we find these? Venus – too hot, the only place cool enough for liquid water is high up in the atmosphere. Venus is not really suitable for life.
The gas giants Mostly atmosphere. Each does have a very thin layer where the temperature is right, but again, not very likely to have life survive there as the atmosphere convects any potential life up to high and freezes it or too low and bakes it.
Looking grim? Not so fast! While many of the planets are not good places to look their moons are. Let us first examine the moons of Jupiter suitable:
Ganymede and Callisto
Saturn is in the hunt also! Enceladus:
Enceladus – 40% closer to Saturn than our moon is to us
To scale
Titan! surface requires 1 of 2 moons with an atmosphere. Atmosphere is 40% higher pressure than Earths! Mostly Nitrogen The orange is a methane haze. HST image. To see the surface requires a probe!
Is that all? Well no, there is also Pluto – yes Pluto!
Lots of water, maybe an ocean.
Conclusion We have examined what it takes to have life as well as where we might find those conditions for life.