The Beatitudes Matthew 5:5 NKJV 5 Blessed are the meek, For they shall inherit the earth.”
“Get a piece of the Rock” John 18:36 “not of this world” Romans 14:17 “not eating and drinking”
“Blessed are the meek...” Meekness – What is it? Misunderstanding: Weakness: world sees “get ahead” fellow as one who is strong, assertive & aggressive Just to be easygoing… Niceness or being easy to get along with Not a spirit of compromise – not peace at any price – no fence straddler
Meekness is compatible with: Great Strength, power and authority “Blessed are the meek...” Meekness is compatible with: Great Strength, power and authority What does Jesus mean by “meekness?”
THE PRINCIPLE: Found is original use of the Greek word “Πραύς –used for a beast which has been tamed. A horse once wild which has become obedient to the bit & to the bridle is πραύς” Gentleness in πραύς but behind it is strength of steel… man who is under perfect control Not a spineless characteristic It is Strength under Control
MEEKNESS Using strength, energy & abilities for a cause which is greater than for self That is the Cause of God Strength under Control Meekness is the life controlled by Jesus
Examples: Moses – Numbers 12:3 “very humble, more than all men on the face of the earth.” What of Moses’ life shows meekness? Was his life one of weakness? NO! – He killed an Egyptian Fought against the band of shepherds that hindered the 7 Daughters of Reuel
Examples: Moses – Numbers 12:3 “very humble, more than all men on the face of the earth.” Petitioned God’s mercy on behalf of Israel He was as strong & ?manly” as any man! Was controlled for the purpose of God
Examples: Paul is also: His life was not the course of weakness or the path of least resistance – 2 Corinthians 11:23-27 He served the higher purpose of God – Philippians 3:7-14 “I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”
The Church Today is to Serve the Higher Purpose of God You are meek when God’s purpose in the church is greater than your purpose The church is greater than: ME! The Preacher! The Elders! It belongs to Christ- Acts 20:28
The Promise: “They shall inherit the earth.” What does it mean? Psalm 37:11 “meek shall inherit the earth.” = The land of Judea, given by God as an inheritance to Israel Hebrew word translated “land” twice as many times as “earth.” Greek word = “arable land” Phrase a Hebraism meaning Promised Land
What is the “Inheritance” expected by Christians? Hebrews 11:8-16 “desire a better, that is, a heavenly country” “He has prepared a city for them” Where did they expect to be eternally? 1 Peter 1:3-5 “an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you”
Progression & Building of each Beatitude upon the other 1. “Poor in spirit” humility opens door of belief & faith 2. “Mourning” Godly sorrow, opens door from faith to real repentance 3. “Meekness” controlled strength, opens door to obedience & surrender in life
GOD’S DIVINE PLAN FOR SALVATION 1 Peter 3:21 Baptism Rom. 10:10 Confess Acts 17:30 Repent Mark 16:16 Faith Rom. 10:17 Hear