The “solar system”: is the Sun, the 8 planets, the “dwarf” planets, all the moons & every other celestial object that revolves around Sol.
Planets Are large celestial bodies that orbits the sun. they are large enough to be rounded by their own gravity. Our star system has 8 planets.
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Our solar system has two classes of planets: terrestrial planetsand jovian planets.
Terrestrial planets: Terrestrial means“earth-like” planets. “Terra” is another name for Earth. Mercury, Venus, Earth & Mars. Terrestrial planets are small, “rocky”, high density & orbit close to the sun. Someday, humanity may colonize the other terrestrial planets for the benefit of Humankind!
Earth moves in two ways simultaneously: Revolves around the Sun 10 per day. One complete revolution is 364 ¼ days Rotates on its axis 150 per hour
Jovian planets The “Jupiter-like” planets. Jove was another name for Jupiter. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. They are very large, low density, made completely of gases such as Hydrogen, helium, methane & ammonia. They used to all be called: “the gas giants” Jupiter and Saturn are called the “gas giants” Uranus and Neptune are the “ice giants”
Saturn: density is less than water. Would float in water!