DO NOW Do Now: EPAS Passage: Industrial Revolution Agenda SSR Book F.F. Text Chapter 24 Journal Entry
Unit 5 – War & Conflict Day 97 SWBAT analyze the significance of Ana telling Vahan that his heart is his home. -Travel Blog due Friday: Chapter 25 Journal Entry due tomorrow -Finish CW due tomorrow In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure. -Bill Cosby CRS REL Power: Understand implied or subtly stated cause-effect relationships in more challenging passages
TRAVEL BLOG! Lights, Camera, Forgotten Fire ! (due Friday: ) Adam Bagdasarian (the author of Forgotten Fire and Vahans great nephew) has chosen you to produce the film adaptation of Forgotten Fire ! In your pitch to the movie studios (aka travel blog) you need to include the title of your film (must be different than the books title), where you will film the movie (which will be the location of the travel blog), which actors will play the different characters (choose at least five characters to cast), who will be the director, and an explanation of what genre the movie will be. Remember, this is a movie pitch so be persuasive!
SILENT MINI-LIT CIRCLES: CHAPTER 25 You will use white dry erase boards to communicate during the discussion about the chapters during the reading. You must be silent throughout the entire small group discussions! Discussion will be led by assigned discussion leaders. As scholars read they must ensure to make meaningful annotations about what is happening in the story. You will be graded by me based on your participation in the literature circle discussion.
WHOLE CLASS DISCUSSION Now you can talk! This will be led by the discussion leaders.
EXIT TICKET Does ones home have to be a physical place, or can ones home be with them wherever someone goes? Argue what you believe is true by using evidence from BOTH the book and your life experiences.
DO NOW Do Now: EPAS Passage: New Nation Agenda SSR Book F.F. Text 1.Chapter 25 Journal Entry 2.Chapter 25 CW
Unit 5 – War & Conflict Day 98 SWBAT provide evidence for why Vahan risks so much to provide aid for Seta. -Travel Blog due Friday: Chapters Journal Entry due tomorrow -Finish CW due tomorrow A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything. -Malcolm X CRS MID Power: Understand the overall approach taken by an author or narrator (e.g. point of view, kinds of evidence use) in virtually any passage
WHOLE CLASS LIT CIRCLE: CHAPTERS Discussion will be led by assigned discussion leaders. As scholars read they must ensure to make meaningful annotations about what is happening in the story. Other students will be graded by the teacher based on their participation in the literature circle discussion.
EXIT TICKET Why does Vahan risk so much to take care of Seta and what does this say about the development of his character? Make sure to provide evidence from the text!
DO NOW Discuss with your seat partner about what he or she blogged about this week and be ready to share about it! Agenda SSR Book F.F. Text 1.Chapters Journal Entry 2.Chapters CW
Unit 5 – War & Conflict Day 99 SWBAT argue how Vahans actions on his way to Constantinople indicate that he has matured into adulthood. -Chapters Journal Entry due Monday: If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress. -Barack Obama CRS GEN Power: Use information from one or more sections of a more challenging passage to draw generalizations and conclusions about people, ideas and so on
COMFORT READ: CHAPTERS You are free to read the next three chapters however you would like! Make sure you are making meaningful annotations! Happy Friday!
WHOLE CLASS DISCUSSION Lets discuss as a whole class before the weekend begins... This will be led by the discussion leaders.
EXIT TICKET What is your favorite part of the book so far? Why?! Be ready to share!