Solar System in 9 Short Acts Pd. 8
Mercury Why do people on Earth never get a good view of Mercury? Where did all of our knowledge about Mercury come from? What was the source of our knowledge called?
Venus What is one hypothesis about Venus’s retrograde rotation? What did the Magellan probe do? What is the greenhouse effect? Venus
earth What was the big horn medicine wheel used for? How does the tilt of the earth affect the seasons? What is astronomy?
Mars How many moons does mars have? What are they called? Why does Mars’ atmosphere look red? Where is water found on Mars and in what form, solid liquid or gas? Mars
Jupiter What two gases are most abundant on Jupiter? Name and describe Jupiter’s four largest moons. What is the Great Red Spot? Jupiter
Why might it be hard to see Saturn’s rings when their edges are facing Earth? Describe Saturn’s rings. What is Saturn's largest moon and how was it discovered? Saturn
Uranus Why is Uranus tilted 90 degrees? What color is Uranus and why? Describe Uranus’s five largest moons? Uranus
Why is Pluto a dwarf planet ? How was Pluto discovered ? What are the three laws of a planet ? I'm cool