Danube Universities for sustainable energy competence 24/09/2013 VI Steering Group Meeting Ulm Prof. Dr. Achim Bubenzer President Ulm University of Applied Sciences
Overview Project description Partner universities Activities Financing issues
The needs for a good life The very basics The needs for a good life Clean water Enough electricity
1. Project description Technical universities along the Danube join forces for the sake of building up sustainable energy competence Goals Building a network of partner universities and strengthening existing cooperations Exchange among students Exchange of professors
Build-up of a competence network Using each others know how and laboratory facilities Common research activities Contribution to the European Danube Strategy
2. Partner Universities FH Technikum Wien, TU Bratislava, Szechenyi University Györ, TU Budapest, Obuda University, University of Novi Sad, University of Ruse
3. Activities Conferences, Fairs Summer Schools along the Danube Newsletters, publications Green Waves Summer Schools along the Danube: participants from 6 countries 8 universities, lectures in three countries (Austria, Slovakia, Hungary)
Innovative education forms: remote laboratory projects Gender equality projects Research working groups (E-Mobility, Smart grid, Photovoltaics, Energy meteorology, Solarthermal, Energy efficiency & Environment)
4. Financing issues Third-party funds for financing of the activities From Ministry of Science, Research and Arts Baden- Württemberg From Baden Württemberg Foundation From German Academic Exchange Service
If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us Project coordinator: Csilla Csapo csapo@hs-ulm.de