Guidelines for planning the costs of statistical surveys and other work implemented by the organisational units of official statistics services.


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Presentation transcript:

Guidelines for planning the costs of statistical surveys and other work implemented by the organisational units of official statistics services

The document regulating the calculation of costs in statistical department, entitled "Guidelines for the calculation of costs of statistical surveys and other work by the organisational units of official statistics services" entered into force under Internal Ordinance No. 27 of the President of the Central Statistical Office of 4 November 2014.

The obligation of cost planning by the organisational units of official statistics services was introduced in order to: ensure the implementation of statutory regulations on publishing the costs of statistical surveys, increase the transparency and effectiveness of spending public funds; support the process of managing public funds in the units of official statistics services; optimise the allocation of funds for particular types of projects, especially for statistical surveys;

An outline of the division of tasks implemented in the official statistics department: Statistical surveys Surveys according to the programme of statistical surveys of official statistics Statistical work Cross-section analyses and statistical compilations Methodological and development work Databases Access to output statistical information Classification standards Coordinating work Official registers REGON TERYT International cooperation and cooperation with central and local government administration Cooperation with central and local government administration The services of opinion-making and advisory bodies working for the President of the CSO, among others the Statistical Council, the Scientific Statistical Council and the Government Population Council Services securing the functioning of units of official statistics services and in the area of promoting the activities of units of official statistics services and the statistical education system, IT services Legal. financial and accounting, HR, data safety and protection, inspections and audit, etc. Services in the area of promoting the activities of units of official statistics and the statistical education system IT services

A presentation of activities included in the 5 groups of tasks selected

Personnel costs Other costs creating the system printing the materials The direct costs of statistical surveys: Organisational unit: ………..………………….; Code: 1.XX.XX, title …………………………………....; Personnel costs associated with the creation and maintenance of an IT system for the purposes of the survey associated with designing, preparing and conducting the survey (excluding IT work) Other costs contracts of mandate and contracts for specific work (and related agreements), fees business trips training other costs by type Personnel costs of employees participating in all stages of statistical survey production , i.e.: This stage includes, among others, identifying the demand for information, recognising the availability of data, holding consultations with users, designing variables, sources and the frequency of obtaining them, preparing questions and transition keys (the coverage of forms/questionnaires), preparing draft legal regulations, designing the methodology for data collection, designing the sampling frame and methodology, preparing the methodology of data processing (assumptions), and designing the work system and schedules. designing, preparing and conducting the survey printing the materials creating the system training, briefings data collection and inspection data processing developing and analysing the results This stage includes creating data collection tools (paper form/questionnaire, electronic form, electronic questionnaires: CAPI, CATI, CAII) and tools for collecting data from IT systems, launching a call centre, creating tools for linking data from various sources, creating new or updating the current IT systems, and testing. This stage includes the printing of promotional materials and other materials necessary to carry out the survey, if necessary, printing forms and questionnaires. This stage includes central and field training and e-learning, and all types of consultations on conducting the survey. It also includes the preparation and updating of training materials and tools (e-learning) This stage includes preparatory work for the collection stage (sampling, creating a file directory, assumptions for inspecting consistency between file directories, including the file directory in the application, installing the application and uploading data to the interviewers' computers, providing access to the electronic form, sending notifications), sending reminders and prompts, answering questions and providing clarifications to respondents, monitoring the data inflow, data recording, obtaining data from external IT systems, converting data from other formats, loading data to the applicable environment. Data inspection includes the data marking and the format and substantive inspection of data, explaining errors and other work associated with the preparation of materials, excluding the actions carried out at the stage of IT processing. This stage covers work associated with converting data sets from external IT systems, linking data sets, classification and coding of data, validation, inspection and adjustment of data, imputation, creating new variables and statistical units, calculating weights and aggregates. This stage includes developing preliminary results, calculating indicators (dynamics, trends, etc.), analysing the results, applying the statistical confidentiality principle, output data validation.

Cross-section analyses and statistical compilations The direct costs of statistical work include: Direct costs of statistical work: Organisational unit: ………..………………….; Code: X.XXXX, title …………………………………....; Personnel costs associated with creating and maintaining an IT system for the purposes of statistical work associated with designing, preparing and conducting statistical work (excluding IT work) Other costs contracts of mandate and for specific work (and related agreements), fees business trips training other costs by type Personnel costs of employees directly participating in the implementation of statistical work, i.e.: In terms of the area, all analytical work beyond the development of output information from the survey (i.e. work on numerous surveys, the analysis of the socio-economic situation of the country and regions, the analysis of international comparisons) and work related to the preparation of all compilations featuring the results of one or several surveys (in a printed or electronic form). Cross-section analyses and statistical compilations Work associated with providing access to output statistical information Methodological and development work Databases Classification standards Coordinating work The area also includes information services for public and local government administration, information services for international organisations and media (including written orders). Also coordination of publishing activities, all forms of providing access to and disseminating statistical information through the Internet, the Information Centre, statistical libraries and maintenance of the CSO portal. This field includes: methodological work consisting of comprehensive methodological preparation of new surveys, also in organisational terms, and methodological work aimed at developing or adjusting the methodology of statistical surveys to international regulations resulting from, among others, Poland's membership in the EU; Methodological work aimed at developing a methodology for estimates, satellite accounts, indicators of major socio-economic phenomena or the methodology of integrating various sources of information (among others administrative sources). Development work (acquiring, combining, developing and using the currently available knowledge and skills in the field of science, technology and business activity and other knowledge and skills for planning statistical production and creating and designing new, changed or improved products, processes and services, in particular creating projects for developing new products and processes and preparing new pilot projects). Development work can be inspired, among others, by the results of scientific and research work, international obligations or recommendations, and initiatives of new methodological solutions. An example of development work can be work supporting the development of statistical surveys and other areas carried out within operational programmes financed from the EU funds budget and grants. The area covers work associated with creating and maintaining in units of official statistics services databases constituting computer data sets of detailed information obtained within surveys, used for various studies and analyses and also for streamlining the internal information services and catering for the needs of external users. The area covers the creation and implementation of classifications and nomenclatures of various specialised organisations in Polish statistics. The area includes the development of draft annual programmes of statistical surveys and the multiannual official statistics development programme, work on the identification of official statistics information systems for the purposes of statistical surveys and cooperation with administrators of these systems, work related to the organisation, functioning and management of the interviewer network, work related to implementing the GIS system in official statistics and other systems which do not have an equivalent in the programme of statistical surveys of official statistics, the information database of the Polish Official Statistics, the Publishing Plan of the CSO and the SO do not belong to other areas of activity.

Personnel costs Other costs Direct costs of national official registers: Organisational unit: ………..………………….; Code: …….; title TERYT; Code: …….; title REGON; Personnel costs associated with running and updating the official register (excluding IT work) Related to creating and keeping an IT system for the official register Other costs contracts of mandate and contracts for specific work (and related agreements), fees business trips training other costs by type

Personnel costs Other costs Direct costs of international cooperation and cooperation with central and local government administration: Organisational unit: ………..………………….; Code: 70600; title International cooperation; Code: 78000; title Cooperation with central and local government administration Code: 90800; title The services of opinion-making and advisory bodies Personnel costs Related to the implementation of work related to cooperation and service provision (excluding IT work) Associated with creating and keeping an IT system for cooperation purposes Other costs contracts of mandate and contracts for specific work (and related agreements), fees business trips other costs by type Personnel costs Related to employees directly participating in implementation of statistical work associated with: This area covers work associated with, among others, the organisation and coordination of cooperation between official statistics services and statistical offices of EU and non-EU countries and also work related to adjusting the law to EU requirements, assessing documents, participating in international conferences, seminars and consultations (not focussing on a particular survey), work in the EWD-P system, coordination of work on indicator groups, etc. International cooperation Cooperation with central and local government administration The services of opinion-making and advisory bodies This area includes statistical work related to cooperation with central and local government administration, associated with assessing national documents, reports and other studies, participation in task forces and interdepartmental groups, organisation of joint meetings, conferences and other events. This area covers providing services for the opinion-making and advisory bodies working for the President of the CSO, e.g. the Methodological Committee and, among others, the Statistical Council, the Scientific Statistical Council and the Government Population Council.

Personnel costs of employees directly involved in the services: Direct costs in the area of services Organisational unit: ………..………………….; Code: 9XXXX; title ………………………………….; Personnel costs related to the implementation of work within particular services (excluding IT work) associated with the creation and maintenance of an IT system for the purposes of the service Other costs contracts of mandate and for specific work (and related agreements), fees business trips training repair services investments other costs by type Personnel costs of employees directly involved in the services: Services associated with the functioning of units of official statistics services Services associated with the promotion of knowledge on official statistics and the statistical education system IT services The area covers the following types of services: legal, financial and accounting, inspections and audit, administrative services, technical services for the maintenance of IT infrastructure, management, coordination of data protection activities, non-military defence preparations. The area should include work related to, among others, the promotion of knowledge on official statistics, including training. Marketing activities, advertising and promotion of statistical surveys, including the demand analysis for output statistical information, the methods of meeting the needs of recipients, standards of providing access to information, participating in publishing fairs, managing trips and delegations, monitoring information on official statistics in mass media, local press, etc. The area covers services associated with maintaining the IT infrastructure unrelated to statistical surveys, other statistical work and the official register, and services related to the technical services for the maintenance of IT infrastructure.

An outline of direct cost planning Direct costs Organisational unit: ………..………………….; Code: ………….title …………………………………....; Personnel costs associated with designing, preparing and conducting the task (excluding IT work) connected with the creation and maintenance of an IT system for the purposes of the task Other costs Other direct costs include costs by type which can be directly related to specific tasks within the area on the basis of measurements and documentation without additional calculations, e.g. contracts of mandate and for specific work (and related agreements), fees, business trips, training, etc. Indirect costs of the operations of official statistics services Organisational unit: ………..………………….; Code: ………… service title …………………………………....; Direct personnel costs of services Associated with the functioning of units of official statistics services Services related to the promotion of knowledge on official statistics and the statistical education system Connected with IT services Other direct costs of services Other costs include the costs which cannot be referred to particular tasks within a specific area of the basis of measurements or documentation without any additional calculations, e.g. investments, repairs, etc.

The structure of direct costs of the CSO (based on the example of the planned programme of statistical surveys of official statistics for 2016)

CSO's budget expenditures – performance-based budgeting Official statistics expenditures from the Budget Act 2016 100% Keeping national official registers 7.65% Keeping the TERYT register 2.86% Keeping the REGON register 4.79% Statistical and development work 92.35% Providing access to and disseminating output statistical information 16.27% Development work 11.30% Conducting statistical surveys 64.78% CSO's budget expenditures – performance-based budgeting The structure of the planned costs with indirect costs overheads