9th Grade/Parent University August 28th, 2018
School Hours High School: 7:25am – 2:55pm Ben Barber Session 1: 7:00am – 10:00am Ben Barber Session 2: 11:30AM – 2:30PM
Attendance Students are allowed 4 absences per class per semester. 04/15/08 Attendance Students are allowed 4 absences per class per semester. 5 or more absences in the same class will result in an absence failure. Students are responsible for clearing excessive absences with their assistant principal. Students will have to attend afternoon or Saturday School sessions in order to regain credit according to the campus schedule.
Behavior Maximize your class time Stay on task Maintain a learning environment Adhere to dress code Follow all handbook policies
Parent Communication Parents are encouraged to contact their child’s teachers at any time with regard to: Grades Progress Behavior Any other concerns. Teachers can be contacted via email (which can be accessed on Skyward). Students are also encouraged to communicate with their teacher about any of these as well.
04/15/08 Clubs High School will provide an opportunity for involvement in many clubs and organizations. We highly encourage participation in extracurricular activities. Studies show that students who are involved in extra-curricular activities make better grades and are better prepared for life during and after high school.
Getting access
gradebook https://www.skyward.com/parents-and-students/family-access- toolkit/parents/video/checking-grades
notifications https://www.skyward.com/parents-and-students/family-access- toolkit/parents/video/account-settings
Emailing a teacher from Skyward
Class of 2022 (9th) text @lrhscounse to 81010 LRHS Counseling would like you (teachers, students, and parents) to connect with us. Remind 101: Class of 2019 (12th) text @lrhscou to 81010 Class of 2020 (11th) text @lrhsc to 81010 Class of 2021 (10th) text @lrhsco to 81010 Class of 2022 (9th) text @lrhscounse to 81010
Counselors Kim Wilson Counselor A-COF Lea Lester Lead Counselor COG-GEO Staci Ross GEP-LAM Ashley Wann LAN-OKA Margie Tyrone OKB-SMI Lisa Davis SMJ-Z
Academic Associate Principal Associate Principals Ms. Gates Academic Associate Principal Mr. Planas A-FLORE Mr. Sypert FLORF-McGE Mrs. Wesco Associate Principal McGF-RAN Mr. Romaguera RAO-Z
04/15/08 Questions?