Recruiting Process Using A Proposal Defense On Simplifying Recruiting Process Using Information System Presented By: Dr.Gopal Thapa Dhana Raj Chalise Sindhu Madhav Dhakal Krishna Joshi Surya Bam Nimesh Pokhrel Deepika Bajracharya Samir Sir Sudip Raj Khadka
OUTLINE Introduction Objectives Literature Review Methodology Sources of Data Sampling Data Instrument To Be Used Data Analysis Method Conclusion References
INTRODUCTION Human Resource Department Importance of Recommender System A job recommender system is expected to provide recommendations in 2 ways: recommending most eligible candidates for the specified job recommending jobs to the aspiring Candidates according to their matching profiles Focus of this study is to recommend candidates according to their matching profiles
OBJECTIVES To find the most relevance candidates for the job posted by recruiting site. Ranking the relevance candidate with some threshold value K and recommending top K candidates to the company for further processing.
LITERATURE REVIEW RECOMMENDER SYSTEM: The recommender system helps the user to find what they want within a very less time TYPES OF RECOMMENDER SYSTEM: Content Based Collaborative Knowledge Based Demographics Hybrid
LITERATURE REVIEW (CONTD….) Authors Mourad Ykhlef, Shaha T. Al-Otaibi [7], have implemented the three techniques for ranking the candidates for the job postings as Cosine similarity Euclidean distance New Jaccard measure Machine learning algorithm has been used by Evanthia Faliagka et al. [1], to rank the job applicant using following model.
LITERATURE REVIEW (CONTD….) Author Domenico Ursino et al. [4], has proposed a model that takes profiles of users, and representes in XML so that the intelligent model can recommend the relevance candidate. Gediminas Adomavicius and Alexander Tuzhilin in [6] have defined TF-IDF vector for document representation and cosine similarity for semantic matching between documents.
METHODOLOGY Figure : Conceptual model of proposed model for recommending candidate
METHODOLOGY (CONTD….) Steps carried out for finding a relevance candidate Job Offer Extraction Document Preprocessing Data Acquisition Feature Selection Domain Knowledge Document Representation
Document Preprocessing METHODOLOGY (CONTD….) Job Offer Extraction Web Crawler Parser Document Preprocessing Tokenization Stop Word Removal Synonym Expansion
Sources Of Data Jobs Nepal ( ) Jaagire ( ) Mero Job ( Verisk Technology ( Deerwalk Technology ( Leapfrog Technology (
Feature Selection(Feature of candidate data) Sampling Feature Selection(Feature of candidate data) S.N. Feature Categorization 1 Age Three Groups ( It is assumed that candidate have been passed their graduate) Group 1(21-30)A Group 2(31-40)B Group 3(>40)C 2 Gender Two Groups Group 1 (Male)M Group 2 (Female)F 3 Martial Status Three Groups Group 1( Married)M Group 2 (Unmarried)U Group 3 (Divorced)D 4 Academic Qualification Group 1 (Graduate)G Group 2 (Master)M Group 3(PHD or Above)P 5 Grading Three Groups ( Here the marks is taken in Percentage) Group 1 (80-100)D Group 2(60-79)F Group 3 (<60)P 6 Experience Four Groups ( Here time is taken in year) Group 1 (0)A Group 2 (1-2)B Group 3(3-5)C Group 4 (>5)D
Features of Recruiter Data Sampling Features of Recruiter Data S.N. Feature Categorization 1 Position Three Groups(According to their level of importance) Group 1(Highest)A Group 2(Medium)B Group 3(Initial like trainee or Interne)C 2 Pay Scale Three Groups Group 1 (>50K)H Group 2 (10K-50K)M Group 3 (<10K)L 3 Location Two Groups Group 1( Outside Valley)) Group 2 (Inside Valley)1 .
Data Instrument To Be used An job applicant with features “Puja Dhakal, Nepalgunj, 25, Female, Single, B.E. (IT), 85%, 5 years” will be represented as <A, F, U, G, D, C>
Data Analysis Method Cosine Similarity Algorithm
Conclusion Fig Source management Information System Managing The Digital Firm
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