Spectroscopic Properties of the z=4.5 Lya-Emitters Steve Dawson (UCB) in collaboration with Arjun Dey (NOAO) Buell Jannuzi (NOAO) Sangeeta Malhotra (STSci) James Rhoads (STSci) Hyron Spinrad (UCB) Daniel Stern (JPL) Lya z=4.5 Intro slide with Lya profiles Keck/DEIMOS (Dawson et al. 2004b)
Follow-up Spectroscopy Keck/LRIS 400-line grating: lblaze = 8500 dispersion = 1.86 / pix DlFWHM ~ 6 (~ 200 km s-1) Keck/LRIS 150-line grating: lblaze = 7500 dispersion = 4.8 / pix DlFWHM ~ 25 (~ 1000 km s-1) Keck/DEIMOS 600-line grating: dispersion = 0.65 / pix DlFWHM ~ 3.5 (~ 1000 km s-1) i ~ 80 confirming Keck spectra (selection reliability = 80%) A o Follow-up Spectroscopy (Dawson et al. 2004a, 2004b) Lya [OII] Sample individual spectra Composite Lya line
Ensemble Results: EW Distribution Max. Lya EW predicted for normal stellar pop. (Charlot & Fall 1993) 20% - 35% of the Lya-emitters in the spectroscopic sample show EW > 240 A. Normal star formation is not powering these sources. What is?
AGN Among the z = 4.5 Population? Lack of detectable X-ray emission (LX < 1042 erg s-1) in deep Chandra ACIS imaging implies: no. (Wang et al. 2004) Lack of high-ionization state emission lines in spectra of restframe UV implies: no. f(HeII) < 0.13 f(Lya) (2s) f(CIV) < 0.08 f(Lya) (2s) No detectable CIV l1549 emission No detectable HeII l1640 emission