Process to Determine Georgia’s Education Funding Formula Susan C. Andrews, Director of Special Projects Office of Planning and Budget
Georgia’s new education funding formula will implement a systems approach in which success will be measured by outcomes, rather than inputs.
Proposed Working Assumptions Acknowledging that local Boards of Education and Local Education Agencies understand the needs of their students; and Agreeing that LEAs need flexibility to implement the best practices that will improve student achievement at the local level; yet, Understanding that the State must be accountable to the public for the expenditure of public funds; and
Acknowledging that Georgia’s parents will continue to exercise choice in selecting the best option for educating their children; and Realizing that the current Quality Basic Education funding formula is complicated, rigid and does not encourage innovative practices; and Accepting that QBE funding levels have led to much frustration at both the State and LEA level; It is imperative that Georgia develop a new funding formula which addresses the following parameters:
Proposals for Consideration by the Education Reform Commission Should the formula contain a base amount for students? Should the formula provide for additional, differentiated funding for students whose educational costs are above the base amount, such as students in poverty, English language learners, and students with disabilities?
Should the formula direct additional funds to the educational initiatives important to the individual child, as well as to the State of Georgia? These initiatives include: Literacy by third grade, Effective teachers in every classroom, Effective leaders in every school, and Effectively funding choice options. Commission will determine process for addressing each of these questions and any others that may arise.
Flexibility with Accountability Districts will have flexible use of the funding. Accountability will be monitored through the use of CCRPI, fulfilling IE2 and Charter System Contracts, and other publicly reported measures
Changes may include . . . To achieve these goals, the following laws/rules, policies/systems/processes may be impacted: State laws State Department of Education board rules LEA policies FTE data collection and reporting CPI data collection Consolidated Application Expenditure reporting
Information from State of the State Education Reform Commission will be charged with making recommendations to modernize QBE. Recommendations are due to Governor Deal by August 1, 2015. New funding formula anticipated to be effective for the 2016-2017 school year
Commission Members on Funding Sub-committee Dr. Charles Knapp, Chairman, President Emeritus University of Georgia Tom Dickson, Chairman, House Education Appropriations Committee Terry England, Chairman, House Appropriations Committee Barbara Hampton, State Board of Education Jack Hill, Chairman, Senate Appropriations Committee Superintendent Alvin Wilbanks, Gwinnett County Schools Superintendent Kent Edwards, Carrollton City Schools Lindsey Tippens, Chairman, Senate Education and Youth Committee Dr. Cynthia Kuhlman, Cousins Family Foundation Dick Yarbrough, Columnist, retired BellSouth Corporation
Questions Contact Information Susan Andrews 404-275-1954