Local Control Accountability Plan May 1, 2014 Santa Paula Unified School District 11/9/2018
LCAP Objectives Equality Opportunity Picture 11/9/2018
Timeline Committee Meetings Stakeholder Meetings Writing of 1st Draft Board Workshop Revisions Oct – March 2014 Mar – April 2014 May 1, 2014 May 2014 1st Public Hearing 2nd Public Hearing Budget & LCAP Adoption June 4, 2014 June 18, 2014 June 25, 2014 11/9/2018
Stakeholder Engagement & Sources of Data LCFF Committee input ( October 2013-March 2014) Parent meetings at each School Site (January 2014) Migrant Education and DELAC parent meetings Online Survey ( 200 responses) Administrative Leadership Team / Governing Board Input Data from AYP and API Budget information for 2 past school years WestEd Channel Website CALPADS CAHSEE passing rates Suspension-Expulsion Data Graduation Rates Attendance Data California Healthy Kids Survey 2013 11/9/2018
Overview The Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) requires the creation of a Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) The LCAP is a three year plan, due July 1, 2014. The District’s LCAP must include a description of the following: Annual Goals & Progress Indicators to measure student outcomes Actions, Services & Expenditures designed to improve student learning Process used to Engage Stakeholders parents, teachers, administrators, staff, students, unions and others Focus on the Eight State Priority Areas (together with Local Priorities) 11/9/2018
Implementation of Common Core/ State Standards Eight Priority Areas Conditions for Learning Basic Services Course Access Implementation of Common Core/ State Standards LCAP Priorities Pupil Outcomes Pupil Achievement Other Pupil Outcomes Parent Involvement Pupil Engagement School Climate Engagement 11/9/2018
Elementary Additional Services Reading Intervention Specialists ( K-3) ELA/ELD Coaching support Additional Library Specialists hours Implementation of RtI Tiers II and III Elementary School Counselors Resource Services Specialist (Physical Education- Recreation) Outreach Specialist time Parent Involvement Quality Education (PIQE) Implementation of CHAMPS Common Core release time for teachers Positive Behavior Support services Additional Health Assistant Hours (not an inclusive list, most prominently mentioned) 11/9/2018
Middle School Additional Services Preparatory period added to every teacher’s daily schedule Middle School Counselor Professional Development, Professional Learning Communities in Technology, Common Core and Formative Assessment Extended Library hours Increase number of elective courses Create career pathways Use of Restorative Justice Practices and staff training Outreach Specialist services Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQE) School Resource Officer “First Offenders Program” on site Increase hours of locker room attendant 11/9/2018
High School Additional Services Additional 1.0 FTE Assistant Principal High School Counselor Positive Behavior Support Specialist services Common Core release time for teachers Professional Learning Community support Extended library hours Dual enrollment program with Ventura College on site Increase number of available electives Increase number of Advanced Placement courses Increase Career and Technical Education offerings Increase support for Credit Recovery Programs Implement PIQE parent engagement program School Resource Officer Implement Restorative Justice Program Expand Alternatives to Suspension Develop “First Offenders Program” on site 11/9/2018
Target Funding (at full implementation) 11/9/2018
Local Control Funding Formula 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 GAP funding - current year - 2,337,991 4,950,231 4,575,797 py LCFF gap funding * cy ADA 7,162,364 2012-13 Categoricals as adjusted 6,364,289 6,377,841 2012-13 Base entitlement 28,920,067 29,647,527 29,135,553 Total General Purpose Funding 35,284,356 38,349,807 43,313,591 47,251,555 11/9/2018
LCFF Funding Impact 11/9/2018
Which Pupils Are Targeted by Supplemental and Concentration Grants? Free & Reduced Meal Program 4588 English Language Learners 2263 Foster Youth 13 Total Duplicated Count = 6,864 Total Unduplicated Count = 4,801 87.20% of total enrollment of 5,503 By definition Foster Youth are identified as Low Income and are directly certified in the Free and Reduced Lunch Count 11/9/2018
Important Considerations The amount of revenue limit and categorical funds in 2012-13 is the starting point for LCFF. No LEA will receive less than this amount Total revenues received will fluctuate proportionate to changes in ADA and changes in unduplicated pupils Full implementation of LCFF is estimated to occur over an 8 year period. LCFF funding is not guaranteed, the District will need to adjust. LCAP will be reviewed annually. 11/9/2018
Next Steps LCAP Proposed Plan Solicit comments from public & local bargaining groups Present proposed plan to Advisory committees (ELPAC & PAC) Respond in writing to questions from Parent Advisory Committees 1st Public Hearing on June 4th 2nd Public Hearing on June 18th Solicit comments and recommendations from public in a public hearing Governing Board approves the Budget & LCAP concurrently on June 25th Continuously consult with Employees, Parents, Students, Community 11/9/2018
#1 Pupil Achievement Goal: Increase student achievement in all academic areas: Action Budget Professional development for all staff, through Professional Learning Communities in technology, content, and formative assessment $375,000 Extended library hours for homework and access to technology resources $115,000 Modifications/Modernization to accommodate changes to support innovative library spaces, create literacy centers (Long Range Facilities Master Plan) Year 2 Intervention during school day; implementation of RtI Tiers II and III for struggling students $175,000 Add Reading Intervention Specialist to focus on K-3 grade level reading Implement the Datawise program for assessment and train staff on how to use the program Replaces program Add Instructional Assistants for TK & K TBD Total #1 Pupil Achievement Year 1 $665,000 11/9/2018
#2 Course Access Goal: Increase the opportunities for students to access a variety of courses Action Budget Implement a dual enrollment program with Ventura College $0 Increase the # of electives offered at middle school and high schools $150,000 Add opportunities for enrichment $40,000 Increase Advanced Placement course offerings $20,000 Increase the CTE offerings and courses at high schools (training & materials) Create Pathways, Academies and Academic Strands (planning time) $10,000 Potential facilities modifications to support Pathways, Academies & Academic Strands Year 2 and Year 3 Total #2 Course Access Year 1 $240,000 11/9/2018
#3 Pupil Engagement Goal: Reduce drop-out rates, increase graduation rates and attendance rates Action Budget Increase support of credit recovery program $5,000 Increase support for recreational/elective activities during school/lunch time; add Resource Services Specialist-PE to organize/supervise sports and recreational activities $70,000 Provide technology resources available in expanded library hours $20,000 Provide career exploration activities led by school counselors $1,000 Increase family support services by increasing Outreach Specialist FTEs focusing on student absenteeism, support for Foster and Homeless Youth, family outreach and student connectedness $180,000 Total #3 Pupil Engagement Year 1 $276,000 11/9/2018
#4 Parent Involvement Goal: Increase meaningful parent involvement by inspiring parents to take an active role in their child’s education. Action Budget Implement the PIQE program. $25,000 Increase # of communications with parents/guardians and use a variety of methods of communicating with parents and community. $10,000 Provide increased opportunities for parent/guardian participation in school and district programs. $0 Total #4 Parent Involvement Year 1 $35,000 11/9/2018
#5 School Climate Goal: Reduce the number of Out of School Suspensions and Expulsions and Increase School Connectedness. Action Budget Increase counseling support and connections to community based agencies $365,000 Provide alternatives for suspensions and expulsions and train staff in Positive Behavior Support and Restorative Justice practices $15,000 Add School Resource Officers $200,000 Hire one additional Assistant Principal at Santa Paula High School to provide support in reducing the number of suspensions/expulsions and increase school safety $120,000 Hire Assistant Principal for Glen City Elementary to support larger student enrollment, Year 2 Year 2 Add District Safety Coordinator to train on Restorative Justice practices and other safety programs; provide professional development for all staff on safety drills, disaster plans, crisis events, active shooter, etc. $100,000 11/9/2018
#5 School Climate Continued Action Budget Implement CHAMPS as a school wide positive support program $10,000 Promote youth leadership activities with community support $5,000 Develop and maintain a school based substance abuse intervention program for "First Offenders" as an alternative to suspension/expulsion $15,000 Increase the number of hours for locker room attendant at middle school to cover school day $53,000 Total #5 School Climate Year 1 $883,000 11/9/2018
#6 Implementation of Common Core Goal: Implement content and performance standards, and increase technology resources to support teaching, learning and assessment. Action Budget Provide professional development to staff on CCSS See Priority #1 Add additional teaching personnel for coaching in the areas of ELD, ELA, and math $300,000 Add additional teaching personnel for coaching in the areas of ELA and math (high school) Year 2 Purchase instructional materials to support CCSS $400,000 Develop curriculum maps for ELA and math $16,000 Establish a course lead to implement Math 1 (CCSS) no cost Upgrade infrastructure to support increased technology needs 875,000 Increase computer/student ratio, and implement district-funded 5 year replenishment plan $500,000 11/9/2018
#6 Implementation of Common Core Continued Action Budget Increase technology department staffing to support district $130,000 Add Technology/Professional Development Teacher to support teachers in how to use technology resources. $100,000 Support AVID program $48,000 Implement a preparatory period at middle school to prepare for implementing CCSS $585,000 Total #6 Implementation of Common Core Year 1 $2,954,000 11/9/2018
#7 Basic Services Goal: Maintain Facilities in Good condition, Increase level of staffing to support custodial, maintenance and clerical needs at School Sites. Action Budget Make progress towards paying competitive salaries (County Average) to attract highly qualified staff to District and make efforts to maintain low student/teacher class ratios, considering district facilities $TBD Increase clerical support in school offices to meet needs, and provide for coverage. $60,000 Increase coverage for Health Specialist at K-5 sites. Year 2 and Year 3 Increase custodial support at sites by 10 hours per day $56,630 Add 2 floating custodial staff reporting to Maintenance and Operations Director for coverage of absences, vacation days, and extra support as needed . Budget Routine Restricted Maintenance at a minimum of 3% of expenditures by 2015/16 (required by Ed Code) $1,277,000 11/9/2018
#7 Basic Services Continued Goal: Maintain Facilities in Good condition, Increase level of staffing to support custodial, maintenance and clerical needs at School Sites. Action Budget Transfer one half of one percent of expenditures into Fund 140, Deferred Maintenance, annually for long term maintenance needs $255,000 Add 1 Maintenance staff FTE to support ongoing maintenance needs $70,000 Total #7 Basic Services Year 1 $1,778,650 11/9/2018