Service Work Class 1
Administrative Collect critiques Final Exam Reminder – Wednesday 12/14 at noon Show Walmart movie
Review Industrial work – norms, stressors, etc.
Today I. Discussion of Walmart Film
What are the issues with regard to how Walmart treats it employees? Why does it treat them that way? Can anything be done about it? What are the alternatives?
Service Work Class 2
Administrative Give quiz Collect critiques Return critiques Return quiz
Review Walmart: The High Cost of Low Price Rhetoric v. Reality
Today I. What is a service industry? II. Are service industries becoming more or less important in terms of employment? III. Service Jobs IV. Industrial work versus service work V. Comparisons
I. What is a Service Industry? What makes an industry a service industry? Provide examples of service industries
II. Are Service Industries Becoming More or Less Important in Terms of Employment? As a fraction of output, are service industries growing or declining? As a fraction of employment, are service industries growing or declining?
Are Service Industries Becoming More or Less Important in Terms of Employment? Why have services grown so much faster than goods in terms of output as well as employment? Are we all just cooking for each other and taking in each others laundry? Health care added 1.7 million jobs. The rest of the private sector in total added none!
III. Service Jobs Widely held view that service jobs pay badly. Is this correct? Why or why not?
IV. Industrial versus Service Work How is service work different from industrial work? Norms? Authority structures? Social structures? How is service work similar to industrial work along the same dimensions?
IV. Industrial Work versus Service Work Is the work of the teleservice or the McDonalds employees more similar to industrial work? Why? In what ways?
V. Comparisons Compare work at McDonalds with work at Walmart? Differences? Similarities? Compare work at Walmart with the work of the teleservice employees Differences? Similarities?
Next Time Begin unit on professional and managerial work